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Everything posted by lumpenprol

  1. goDel's avatar just made me realize Hugh Hefner and Bill Murray look somewhat related also did Murray get a bit of a tuck and dermal peel or something, or is it just PS?
  2. I basically agree, but they haven't gone totally shit yet for me. I liked Oversteps quite a bit and listened to it a ton, more than Draft in fact. I think their new period is less unique and purposeful than before, but still very engaging. As I said before they're getting older and you can't expect them to be a beacon of the IDM equivalent of "math metal" or something forever. They're not going to be a relentless "clenched fist" forever (as I saw in one LP5 review). Oversteps and MoT definitely feel looser, like they are more carefree and playful, and I don't mind that at all. As long as they still are sincere and put time and effort into their art. We shall see!
  3. Like a perfectly executed parody... normally I'm a big fat cynic and would agree, but call me crazy that trailer actually moved me. Am curious to read some reviews...after Tree of Life I'm pretty cautious...
  4. I think if an artist goes too far downhill it's justified to be a bit butthurt; I know I was with Orbital when they jumped off the cliff into mediocrity. That said I'm still curious what Ae will do next. Sean always looks a bit monged out in photos these days, so I do wonder if they can ever bring the multilayered intensity back. But then, there was a lot about their "multilayered and intense" period that seemed kind of uptight, formally. I liked Oversteps, still do, but it's not quite as alien as their earlier work (and is not really off-putting in any way, which I think is the biggest change...unless you count known(1)). Did not like MoT except for...M82? Am cautiously optimistic about the new album, although I fear it will suffer from Quaristice lack of QC version diarrhea, and I don't like the "70's avocado rug swatches" cover.
  5. the robot design is crappy. But it is interesting to see how much they pander to the Japanese aesthetic....including the retro car in the first scene, feels very OG Godzilla...
  6. lol... hopefully not...I guess I mean the art of persuasion as opposed to conflict. After living overseas for a bit I do see the US as being more aggressive than it needs to be. Big news I know. The upside is idealism and "straight talk", but the downside is oversimplification of issues and bellicosity. How this relates to relationships...I think some women and men place too much importance on opinions, politics, appearance, taste in movies and music, etc. Apart from not being a total slob, none of that stuff really matters. For example. Was recently talking with my (Chinese) wife and she said something like "I could never date a black person." I was startled for a split second by the thought "Hmm, I married a wacist!" But then I just did a mental shrug. I know she's a sweetie and that opinion is just some weird useless mental offshoot, not vindictive. Said totally blithely, without any conception of racial politics and baggage. I could overlook it. I think that willingness to overlook should apply to a lot of things. Yet we're encouraged to label and judge quite a bit in the West. Instead, should search for the common ground, there's quite a bit of it (said the guy who blasted Israel in a recent thread).
  7. exactly. I did something similar in China. some youngster (even my former self) might have criticized me for being an older guy married to a younger woman, but just ignore the haters. I'm very happy, so is she (as far as I can tell), we have a baby on the way, and all is well with the world. I wouldn't go so far as to say "American women are lame", but I think there is a downside to being conditioned somewhat by US society to "be outspoken." In fact most things in life can be solved by soft power, not yelling and lawsuits. This applies to both men and women, and not just in relationships, but in the workplace too. It took me quite a lot of living to figure that out (slow learner I guess).
  8. Lovely post, was going to say something similar.
  9. Scarlett Johansson in sexed-out magician assistant garb still haunts my balls all these years later em, carry on.... lol. Are her boobs fake, as rumored? I really must know.
  10. The Prestige was Nolan's best film, I think. It's a solid film that I like quite a bit as a meditation on ambition (though the twists are, as in most Nolan flicks, a bit obvious or wtf). As for the Batman movies and Inception, I think Nolan just tries a bit too hard. All of Nolan's films seem to share the same problem with narrative flow, they are quite disjointed. One thing I will say is he knows how to use music well. Without it, I think even the fanboys would realize the films aren't as good as they first thought.
  11. I've watched this film twice now, once on in-flight, once at home on dvd. I didn't think it was an "abomination" - I actually liked the twist of having the old Weyland on the ship (although his old person make-up was distracting). I agree with those saying the irrational behavior of the crew is one big problem...other big problems being the clunky characterization and poor dialogue. The "flirting" scene between Vickers and the Captain being a good example. By the way Charlize Theron's acting was terrible, it was all over the map (she mostly did the stern-faced thing, but with the captain she was smiling like a schoolgirl...weird). Idris Elba, whom I loved on the Wire, was also pretty bad, he spent most of the movie in a soporific trance, until he suddenly decides to sacrifice himself. But I also felt a good portion of the blame could be laid at Scott's doorstep. The pacing is all off, he should have never tried to emulate the "extreme character types" of Aliens, and although he doesn't seem to have lost his visual sense, his sense of emotional storytelling is all off. Hence the horrible musical theme. Which is funny because you can have very extreme music used brilliantly, such as the wildly over-the-top orchestral stuff in Aliens, but in that case they only used it during totally intense out of control sequences, so it totally fit and ratcheted up the crazy. Anyway a big lost opportunity. They could have extended the intro sequence, given the film a more optimistic start, given the idea that "we are about to (potentially) meet our ancestors or makers" some time to sink in...I mean that's something we all crave, right? The crew should have been mostly united in their optimism (though you could have had Vickers be the one chilly foreshadowing of bad things to come). I think they also should have made the lead chick not the religious one, I think it would have been more funny to have the religious character get violently dismembered in a moment of misguided rapture, but hey that's just me. Main thing was they seemed to have no faith in their central idea, which they should have. It's a novel idea that to my knowledge hasn't been featured in a film before (at least not in the same way). So build it up a bit more, like 2001, before switching to the cold depths of space, and the feeling of "oh hell what have we gotten ourselves into?" As a sidenote, I don't really like the Rapace chick, her cheekbones are way distracting and her acting is just kind of...annoying. She doesn't do over the top fear and pain nearly as well as Sigourney.
  12. Re: Awepittance: I see what you're saying for sure. That lone trumpet bullshit is still full on Saving Private Ryan or Kevin Costner or something...it's miles away from the spooky minimalist space-horror ambient needed.
  13. Ok, I finally saw this, and don't have much to add to other people's comments but...MY GOD WAS THE MUSIC AWFUL! The main theme sounded like something better suited to a western, Saving Private Ryan, or the new Lincoln biopic. Every time I heard it evoked a mental image of Lewis and Clark travelling down a river in a canoe, which was a bit jarring given the content of the film. I'm trying to think of a film with a worse music mismatch but nothing comes to mind...it completely undercut the dramatic heft of many of the scenes
  14. lumpenprol


    Put me in the camp of folks not entirely won over by Sublimit. It seems to meander around aimlessly - but then ends great. Whereas Surripere starts great and ends aimless. Both those tracks get a lot of praise and I just don't see/feel it. Diff'rent strokes and all... Untilted is "okay". Live stuff stomps and pisses all over the album tho.
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