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Everything posted by autopilot

  1. That's a pretty accurate review. It's a shame too because they totally wasted two great comedic talents & an excellent premise. There could have been so much biting & hilarious bits about racism, classism, wealth disparity, the elite corporatocracy... instead 90% of the jokes amounted to "lol people get assraped in prison and sucking dick is gross"
  2. Well all the other MGS games are only an hour long if you skip the shitty cutscenes so I don't see what the big deal is.
  3. Winter Soldier's pretty excellent. I watched it recently because yall kept talking about it. Probably the best MCU flick I've seen (though I did love GOTG).
  4. Because you can't enjoy playing it without the knowledge that others are also being denied the experience?
  5. I've been rising this mix lately. One of the freshest, dopest dnb mixes I've heard: All the Samurai podcasts are on point, really. This one's awesome and contains Autechre & Aphex in addition to modern dnb:
  6. I could still see a $400 Steambox being as good or better than a PS4 or Xbone.
  7. How far is your computer from your TV? Steam link seem kind of a waste of money if you can get an HDMI cable that'll reach.
  8. It's added to the wishlist and I'll definitely be giving it a try. So if I'm not mistaken there's no XP/attributes/min maxing and it's all just a matter of getting better gear? (kinda like Far Cry 3 if you started with all the skills and didn't have to earn em?) Cuz I'm totally cool with that and that seems like it would fun. I already get my stat-obsession fix with Borderlands 2.
  9. All of those people would be stable, non-violent individuals if all guns were banned.
  10. I'll definitely look into Stalker. I remember hearing they were good back in the day but I was a console pleb back then. Totally gonna check them out now. So Clear Sky should be avoided but the other two are good?
  11. I hope that there's areas with dense vegetation because the landscapes in FO3 and NV were way too bland & monotone for me to really be excited to explore (as opposed to Elder Scrolls worlds). Radiation doesn't stop plant life! Look at Chernobyl...
  12. I wouldn't say Chappie was a terrible film, because I definitely was entertained the whole time and interested to see what happened. It just had some serious script/plot flaws & was just nowhere near the excellence of District 9 & Elysium (even with those films ham-fisted political allegories, they were still top-notch action films with amazingly realized worlds). Also, we need to stop pretending Die Antwoord have anything that even remotely resembles talent in any capacity now that the novelty of their shtick has worn off.
  13. "I'm gonna destroy the entire city to fund my project because I'm a bad guy that works at the least-secure weapons research facility on the planet." ["Fire Missiles? Y/N" pops up on screen] "Fire missles? Yes. I'm gonna fire the missiles now by pressing Y." [presses the button to fire missles]
  14. Chappie was fucking weird. Had all of the neat design stuff & action that makes Blomkamp films great but it needed about 100% less Die Antwoord, and Huge Act-Man needed to town down his exposition-of-what-he's-very-visibly-doing-that-moment.
  15. Yeah, I'm sure multiple people would agree Brutal Doom is significantly more fun than the majority of FPS that have come out in recent years.
  16. i tried the demo for ps4. didn't do anything for me. played it for maybe 3 days. just beat my sotn playthrough mimicing autos strat for getting cris and bulldozing castle 2. probably took me closer to 9 hours because i couldn't remember which bosses had dracula's body parts and basically ended up clearing all of castle 2 minus the mine and catacombs. back to wipeout It really works! I had a short time because in the 1st castle I got really lucky on some gear drops and was pretty OP dmg & def by the time I reached castle 2. My dmg on the cris was about 95x3, which combined with fast button mashing is like 10 mil. There are dozens of Brutal Doom fans on this board. We've all been on that tip pretty heavily for the past few years. New version drops in a few days!
  17. Could it be a chicken/egg thing though where one of the reasons people are less social is because they spend their time alone on sites "together" in cyberspace, when traditionally that time would've been spent in the same room making eye contact?
  18. Definitely. It's pretty much incomprehensible to not be on every single social media site to all the 21-year-olds I know. They don't have the perspective of how much more chill (for better or worse) life was before it, I guess.
  19. Heh sorry for picking on you Westhead. Obviously if I saw a pic of your kid smiling on a swingset I wouldn't be like "fuck this asshole!". I was just being kind of obnoxious for a lol. However, I was 100% serious about how I think it's kind of unfair to involuntarily publicly photo document a child's life when they couldn't possibly fully understand the implications of such a thing until well into their educated 20s.
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