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Everything posted by autopilot

  1. @squee - It's got a weird style with the watercolor textures and the strangely out of proportion bodies. The male character models' hands are bigger than their heads. Once you get immersed in it though, it's a really cool experience.
  2. lol i just came here to post this. dude is expert level troll. here's him trolling some E3 youtube coverage: it's apparently a character he does quite a bit called "onyx the fortuitous" and the guy's actually an actor.
  3. Yeah, but everything that's good about Twin Peaks is done 100x better in Lynch's films afterwards. And I said NES, not SNES. And Mario Kart is shit Wipeout is better.
  4. Well yeah, if you hold it to the standards of 1991 soap operas then I guess I can see how it's considered special. Watching it for the first time in 2015 though... It's kind of like playing a NES game without the nostalgia of having grown up with it. If you played the game as a child then it's a fun trip down memory lane, but if you're playing it for the first time in the Xbox & Playstation era then it's a frustrating piece of hot garbage.
  5. I remember something with that middle aged woman busting out of being chained to a gurney with her bare hands and going back to high school where she lifts some dude and tosses him through the air with one hand while wacky music plays.
  6. I watched Twin Peaks in full for the first time ever recently after having seen & enjoyed most Lynch's films and a lot of it is really fucking bad. There's hints & flashes of the genius that would later surface in his work, but I'd say it's about 60%+ awful. Half of the first season is just Laura's parents crying and teens being too cool for school, and the second season's subplots with the grown woman getting super strength and going to high school are pure cringe. Why was this considered revolutionary at the time? Because it was more surreal than most dramas? That being said, seeing the quality of Lynch's later work, I'm sure this new iteration will be quite good and I am excited for it.
  7. Watched How To Train Your Dragon parts 1 & 2 last night. They were reasonably enjoyable, but it was very odd how all the adults had heavy Scottish accents and all the kids are voiced by American comedians.
  8. If the driving & shooting in those games is as bad as Metal Gear Solid's storyline then I don't blame you!
  9. I actually thought MGS4 was the only really playable one in the series because the controls weren't total ass, but I still spent the majority of my playtime mashing the start button through the cutscenes.
  10. So they ditched the focus on animu story shit and put all their attention into making it fun? I actually want to play it now.
  11. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cO1q3HwB0y0
  12. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ULuw7CXs2vw
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