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Posts posted by digit

  1. stopped watching walking dead & started watching this show instead. sooo much better.


    high budget intelligent sci-fi. really well made.


    that scene where the technician showed Maeve the tablet display of the words she was going to speak appear in a flowchart a second before she spoke them... so excellent.


    Autechre @ Tavastia, Helsinki FIN, 15.11.2016

    I hate to say it, and I hope I'm wrong, but aside from that insane beat around 30 min or so, I'm not really feeling this. hoping because it's new and impenetrable on the surface. hopefully a soundboard or two would change that.



    funny you say that, because i was feeling the same way about the new live material (too meandering. not engaging.) UNTIL I heard this recording. then i was like :wtf:


    this new stuff is awesome but you have to hear it clearly and you have to hear it LOUD. it's all about the details.

  3. the premiere was pure torture porn. really disturbing. it crossed a line for me where i'm thinking 'why am i watching this?'


    not 'why am i watching this' because the show is so shitty, but 'why am i watching this' because the show is so violent, sadistic...


    is this still considered entertainment? what the hell is it? is it really a good thing becoming desensitized to this level of violence & horror? how many millions of people watched this episode all over the world? adults, teens, adolescents...


    it's strange because i grew up watching horror movies. i'm definitely no stranger to the genre. but this episode made me take a step back. with all the horror & stress in the real world, do i really need to subject myself to more of this? maybe if there was a higher message or some powerful artistic / philosophical point being communicated, but lets be real this is just AMC trying to make a buck.

  4. i don't know. these eps just don't feel like they have staying power to me.


    there are some good tracks here for sure but ultimately most of this just feels too empty. a lot of tracks go on too long and don't have enough in them to justify their length in my opinion.


    i feel like ae should have held onto these tracks for a little longer and then edited them down some more once their novelty wore off a bit or something.


    with most ae, the more i listen to their music, the more i discover deeper structures or certain nuances that reward further listening. i'm not getting that with elseq for some reason. the tracks are so long that you usually 'get it' by the end of the track, so on the third or fourth listen there's not much more to discover. :shrug:


    dunno. i had these on heavy rotation when they first dropped but after a few listens of each ep i just don't feel much like revisiting them. i definitely can't say that about any of their other albums.

  5. originally composed mallsoft from your beloved donovan hikaru


    im planning to create an original mallsoft album that captures a very specific mood  






    this is really good!


    i love the pitch bending synth (?) in the background.

  6. i loved this show. i recognized pretty much every thing that they are drawing from. it was all stuff i grew up with and loved so everything felt instantly familiar. of course it was warmly nostalgic for me. even the opening credits font gave me the feels.


    i get what people are saying about this show being such a pastiche and borrowing so heavily from past works.


    i guess what saves it for me is that the show has heart. i feel that there is a genuine love for the material and the characters as opposed to a cynical appropriation of elements for cool points or whatever. part of that is due to the directing & part of that is due to the excellent casting and the great acting throughout the show.


    however - i do feel that for the second season, the directors have to step out from under the shadows of their influences. they've established this world & these characters in the first season, but i want to see them develop more of a unique voice in the second. whether they have that in them or not remains to be seen, but i'm going to remain cautiously optimistic.

  7. i listen to most of my music via earphones while commuting to / from work.


    for what it's worth, i found the soundspace of elseq to be far too brutal to listen to thru earphones.


    it's something about either the mixing / mastering, or more likely, the software they are using to generate these tracks. you can tell their current setup was originally designed for live performance, because it has that real dry / up front / in your face sound ( like all of the AE_LIVE soundboards they released ) which is ideal in a live venue.


    luckily, i found an iOS music player that has a crossfeed function: Neutron (also available for Android). i turn the crossfeed on when listening to elseq & it really helped smooth out some of that brittle, ultra high frequency sound.


    i like this abstract stuff they are doing lately but i am REALLY burned out on the AE_LIVE / elseq sound at this point. i would love to see AE get back to using hardware along with their crazy sequencing /event generating setup because i think it could majorly benefit from a richer soundscape (see the Oversteps tour recordings as an example).


    people who listen thru speakers might disagree, but try listening to this stuff thru headphones & earphones. i've found it really fatiguing in a way that most other music is not, and i've never been one to be bothered by prolonged headphone listening (in fact, i much prefer it to listening thru speakers).



  8. when listening to this, it's not difficult to imagine autechre will be releasing music long after these two dudes pass away. it seems inevitable.


    morbid thought but i agree. it's almost as if that's what rob & sean are trying to build with their software system, something that incorporates their decision making process & aesthetic sense and can run on autopilot & keep generating new material to a certain extent. they still have their hands on the controls but what will their system be capable of 10-20 years from now?

  9. just thinking out loud here:


    we know that for the recent live stuff they're using max & no other hardware other than the kenton killamix controllers. so all the sounds are being generated in Max.


    i'm hearing some pitched sample artifacts in elseq, so we know that not everything is synthesized. their setup can also process samples.


    I remember one of them mentioning they specifically use the killamix controllers that have the indented knobs that snap to discrete values (the ones with the green rather than blue leds?), so that means they're using them to select items rather than realtime tweaking filters or fx by hand.


    if i was trying to recreate what they do, i imagine i would separate the sounds, sequences, melodies, effects, and control data that modulate all of the above into separate 'blocks' or 'clips' or whatever terminology you want to use, and then recombine them on the fly in different ways.


    i would also build in some internal feedback system so that the audio or logic output of one element could influence the modulation of others, and set things to evolve gradually in this way. so even if you took your hands off all the controls, the sound would still evolve & change to a certain extent.


    consider that they're not using midi anymore since their system is not talking to external hardware, so all the modulation happens in the box. you could get really fast high resolution modulation of all your parameters. this explains how they get such a fluid warped sound in their recent stuff.

  10. the best way to approach Max is to have some concrete goal in mind, something you want to accomplish that no other software or hardware can do for you, and then learn just as much as you need to along the way to build what you want to build. otherwise you just noodle forever.


    if you sit down with an end result in mind, and you dive into the documentation & examples as you go, or you take apart other peoples patches, you learn just enough to accomplish what you need. plus you build up all these little modules along the way that you can reuse for you future projects. of course your concept will mutate & expand along the way as you learn, but as long as you keep the end result in focus you'll end up with something you can use.


    the thing to keep in mind about whatever Max system that Autechre are currently using is that they have been building & evolving this thing since they were creating Oversteps. that's at least 7 years of work. it was used to make 2 albums. taken out on 2 tours. plus they don't have day jobs so they work at this stuff pretty much full time. I'm sure there is some low level Gen stuff in there as well. the patch must be pretty well evolved by this point.



    Watmm might have their differences but one thing we have in common (apart from strange leftfield music) would be a massive agreement in we all want another classic Alien film to chew on :beer:


    I think the hate for Prometheus is largely irrational, and that if Alien came out today it would be heavily criticised for many of the same reasons.


    People today seem to criticize more than appreciat , they forget that making a movie is a very complex and difficult task.


    i bet if clockwork orange or Odyseey 2001 came out today it would be also ripped apart like prometheus.




    not a chance.


    a well made film is a well made film. it doesn't matter when it was made or the technology available at the time. great art transcends time.


    if Alien or 2001 came out today, they would be rightly regarded as great films. the fact that they still hold up when viewed today illustrates this.

  12. I was slightly (but healthily) obsessed with The Space Jockey for decades. The first Alien was a life changing experience for me for many reasons, and the Space Jockey was a pivotal part of that. That whole scene made me think and dream silently for ages and ages about what it all meant.


    that's because it was an enigma. totally alien & unexplained. such a bizarre looking figure that just did not fit with any sort of human understanding. it leaves a ton of room for your imagination to roam.


    once you try and explain that, give this big backstory and 'oh it was just a suit this humanoid engineer dude was wearing' etc etc... it totally ruins it.


    anyway, i just regard them as 2 separate movies & universes. i don't care what Ridley Scott says. Alien is its own movie that is awesome and Prometheus is its own movie that is crappy.


    ...it does have some nice sound/visual design tho. i'll give it that and only that.

  13. i'm sorry, but that FTWD premier last night sucked so bad. that was the most awkwardly directed & edited hour of tv that i have ever seen.


    that beginning was so abrupt & confusing, i had to double check that i hadn't missed the first 20 minutes of the show. last time we saw them, everyones chilling in this gated mansion. season 2 starts and it's nightime, bombs are going off, half the group are on the boat, half the group are on the beach, zombies in the water, zombies on the beach, camera keeps jerking around so you can't tell what's going on... wtf? i kept waiting for the flashback scene to explain how everything got so shitty all the sudden.


    the whole episode felt like a student film edited together by people who have no idea what they're doing, trying to meet some last minute deadline for their assignment. the pacing was so weird. just a sloppy mess. can't believe that made it to air like that.



    lesson learned: swimming zombies can appear out of nowhere in crystal clear water in the daylight. so can capsized boats surrounded by debris.

  14. yeah, they fucked up Carol. the most badass character on the show. i just can't see her going from dressing up as a ninja & running around capping all those wolves to little miss rosary in such a short period of time.


    she doesn't want to kill anymore so her solution to that is to leave the one safe haven there is and go off into the wilderness again all by herself?! where's the logic in that?


    and i know that the writers must have so much fun writing abraham & eugenes dialogue, but does anyone on the face of the earth actually talk like that? i don't even know what their style of speaking is supposed to be based on.

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