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Knob Twiddlers
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Posts posted by phudoshin


    My FF2017 ipod recording is bassy/noisey as all fuck.


    Any Audacity tips to clean it up? I cleaned up the DFN pusher recording from same device but can't remember how! Just reducing bass does nothing

    Noise gate before you EQ maybe?


    Thanks i'll try it after work at home - my noise/bass is v similar to the FF clip here

  2. Damn, he played Death Fuck

    and w32.mydoom.au@mm?





    Lo! thats my recording from the LAST FF afx played at!...


    meanwhile in 2017....


    My take on FF  vs FD


    Visuals - well the Barn at FD was obviously indoor so the contained smoke/darkness showed off the lasers more, no surprise there. The displays and general graphics were the same though - i really got lost in the color schemes - excellent!


    Crowd - as usual, more agro at the irish gig   - younger/drunker. Afx works best in ireland at his own shows in indoor venues. Its a pain to navigate through the messy festival crowd but once you're at the gig itself you're usually immersed in like-minded folks. I only go to irish festivals if they're tiny or afx is playing.


    Set -  much more even than FD which was very disjointed and abstract for most of it. Im not complaining, just different vibes and each differently enjoyable and very welcome. I can't wait to hear the recordings now  and get lost in them again in a  different way. I recorded all of FF on my ipod but doubt its that usable - i will see later. Man AFX loves those squarepusher unreleased tracks!


    Sound: slightly better at FF i thought with some odd moments at FD like Lisbon acid having the drums quiet - can't imagine it was on purpose but maybe

  3. yes this album needs more love.......... he did well with the UV followup but what a special release by TJ. Nothing comes close to the madness and his live sets at the time are astounding with lovely subtle tweaks and TJ clearly having a blast 

    yes this album needs more love.......... he did well with the UV followup but what a special release by TJ. Nothing comes close to the madness and his live sets at the time are astounding with lovely subtle tweaks and TJ clearly having a blast 

  4. One thing I heard on the radio during the elections from an elderly republican outside a convention


    "He's promised to open the mines again. I know he's lying, but at least he's giving us hope".


    Says it all really.


    But maybe just maybe this moronic batshit regime will shake things up  - getting rid of the Red vs Blue binary  stupidity could be a good outcome but I fear all this will do is solidify it. He doesn't seem very Republican which is good but his craziness and lack of all sorts of integrity, morals etc is sickening tbh. He may be "clever" at playing the media, getting the vote, reaching to the populist zeitgeist but the guy is no fucking good.


    I'm trying to look past the daily silliness at his actual policies and well, both are fucking nutso in the extreme.  

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