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Knob Twiddlers
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Posts posted by phudoshin

  1. Passengers:


    <slight spoiler alert>


    Wow i loved this film - excellent pace to it which is almost number one factor for me. The production design was outstanding, effects very decent, script pretty good and didn't descend into schmaltz too much (Gravity im looking at you!)... but it was there a little bit near the end but they played it well.


    It was also very funny in parts as well as quite dark with a definite take on the idea of  non-consent done brilliantly well with JenLaw doing a very good job in the acting dept. Even the mans take on it was handled rather deftly with allusions to that uncomfortable idea of his nature overpowering social norms. 


    I give it 9/10!
  2. Sean.... So glad to have met you at the bruncheon place in Texas and to be with you for squarepuhser and the afterparty! Mad irony that your dad was in dublin at the time!


    Very interesting story about that animator  - Is ok to say i would have like to have been a fly on the wall at her funeral!



    while were on Rephlex/Japan connections there's one thing you could possibly clear up for me! 


    Kyoshi Izumi released an EP on Rephlex  that I really love - any info about this guy at all? All i heard was that he was a drummer ( with "Ruins"??).   Is he active? Any rephlex-related interviews you can find in Japanese with him to translate for us?

  3. Strange "coincidence" that over here, the political party that's been blamed most for the 2008 financial crisis in Ireland, has made moves to bring back the ex Prime Minister, as adviser, the very guy who resigned over financial scandals and who when he was minister for Finance claimed he never had a bank account. 


    Its like Brexit/Trump effect is giving permission for stupidity, globally.


    In the 12th century Japan they actually had a term for when the long established ruling-class status quo was shaken by the pissed off masses :

    "The World Turned Upside Down" which led to 200+years of civil war and a lot of cool fucking martial arts.

  4. Yeh tis  a great show - I was thinking anto's a bot as well and the whole thing is an experiment on graduated intelligence and testing the es-capability and desires of sentient creations..


    Did anyone else thought they heard a bit of Radiohead's "daydreaming" in ep09? Prob just my imagination and desires!

  5. I love that this album goes so well with the desert as a setting. I don't often listen to it in entirety but I go back and listen to sections regularly. Especially the first and last few tracks. It's great driving music, especially if you live somewhere bleak.

    yep.. my vid:


  6. For me autechre is all about "I don't get it - then 10 listens later: OOH BOI - soooo get it"


    Squarepusher does it too when he does more digital stuff (UV, GP)


    RDJ and BoC never really do it - I always get it quick but doesn't make em less enjoyable


    but Ae do it every fucking time! LOVE them for that! Its about trust and patience

  7. Elyc6 0nset

    :wub: :wub: :wub:


    At first I felt it meandered on too much towards the second half of the track (after the beats breakdown), but this track has totally grown on me.  Its constantly evolving, with elements shifting in pattern and priority as the track opens up.  The creepy fax-modem sounds in the background are the glue that hold it all together, until it implodes towards the end. 




    These guys are the reason I stopped making music; I can never get anywhere close to what they achieve.

    On it now - we're on the same fucking page today big style

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