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Knob Twiddlers
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Posts posted by phudoshin

  1. Been looping TH recently in work - its a Winter-to-Spring album for me for sure.......big dose of melancholy/ feelings-of-loss  vibes this time around. 


    I also find Sick Times so gorgeous i extended it in audacity by adding the main beat element at the end of the original fade-out. Possibly a cardinal sin but who cares.,...im satisfied with  the longer track.... extended anguish

  2. Here goes...




    8/ What this indicates—beyond any serious doubt—is the following: Special Counsel Bob Mueller, the former Director of the FBI, believes Mike Flynn's testimony will *incriminate* the President of the United States, the Vice President of the United States, or both of these two men.



    9/ For this reason, what's about to happen in 50 minutes is far and away the biggest development thus far in the Trump-Russia probe, and likely the biggest development in U.S. politics since President Nixon resigned from office during the Watergate scandal. This is historic.


    Happy fucking Christmas everybody! YES!

  3. This album is the perfect soundtrack to my messed-up life right now - cold but a warmth bursting through, desolation but growth, the winding down of electronic noise/interference... a return to nature of sorts. That feeling of wanting to go off grid, in this strange information-saturated world


    is this new scandal the end of sessions? please god send this demon back to the sewer he came from

    Looks like it.


    For the people not actively following the abramson tweets here's another thread beautifully spelling out where were heading



    excellent catch.... kinda loving/hating the  beyond "1984" shitshow of it all!!  schadenfreude on an epic scale.. sorry 'Merica :/

  5. I gave the film 8/10  BUT


     its loses points for

     -  dumbass "bad guy" Wallace

      - meh fight-scene at the end

     -  a fight scene at the end

     - the sudden appearance of replicant revolutionaries -  where did they come from?

    - silly orphange/deathcamp

    -  K/Joe just turning up at the right spot a lot

    - too much WAAAAH music/


    btw the usual bounty of boobs is easily explained by this: in the future men will still like boobs - stone, holographic, whatever. 




    Other than that i  like it loads and they got the look/pace/story/characters basically right


    Is there ANY examples of die-hard Trump supporters now realizing what they have done and regretting the shit out of it AND trying to turn their former fanboys?


    Or is the human mind just not capable of such clarity? 


    Some might in hindsight. I think the only ones regretting it where the first time voters or "independent" voters who didn't know better. There are also the GOP folks who are happy for budget cuts and that the stock market is up but will tell you, albeit behind closed doors, that Trump is a fool. Know a relative like this. Otherwise everyone else is in it for the long haul. I don't expect any regret expressed until long after this is over and the damage is done...and they will likely downplay their support in hindsight.


    Unfortunately I know more Trump voters (thanfully overall, more people I know are not) who are emboldened by Trump, not regretting it at all. It's a cult. It's mass delusion. The idea of confronting them with facts and moral objectivity is over. My best guess is that they like this martydom they have created in their heads - notice how they always tend to deflect, distract, and focus on "libtards" "cucks" etc. They are united in hate, cynicism, and privileged whining. They can't even express any positive goals or attributes to Trump that aren't vague or fantastical. I


    t's all about destruction of the status quo in their minds. They love this civil war of tweets and social media trolling...which ironically, means they are very defensive and sensitive to actual violence or confrontation IRL. Literally seen a person I know on FB who posts nothing but anti-liberal shit cry about how I was too mean and dickish in a comment section debate and how "he didn't care about any actual debate but just was mad I was a brainwashed liberal apologist." They are so anti-snowflake that they have become snowflakes themselves.


    Reasonable analysis cheers! 


    On the lowest level of all this shit... DT's entire manner is plain vacuous and nauseating. A creepy manchild. I just don't how so many people bypass that, never,mind the BS "governance". Its like thinking David Brent was a "great boss". 

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