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Knob Twiddlers
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Posts posted by phudoshin

  1. Ok instead of burning the new sets for my 4.5 hour car journey tmrw, to avoid brain melting overload, i got:


    Hemsby 2008

    Melbourne 2010

    Krem 2015


    Can't wait!


    so i've been trying to download the wavs like 10 times now yesterday and today - one at a time, different sets, with and without dl manager - but they always fail at around 300-350mb. never had dl problems before, the first 4 sets some weeks ago dowloaded easily.

    anyone else had that issue? any suggestions? should i contact bleep support?






    have you tried doing 1 at a time?


    Ooh vicar

  3. thanks cynus....truly amazing accounts and stories....you're so right about surrounding yourself with good peeps..... man im feeling emotional now ...fuck!



  4. Yeah, thinking that as well. And you don't have to buy them all, obviously.


    Next time I'lll prolly go for the most recent. As it's the one which probably sounds more different from the ones I already have. This time, I couldn't resist my consumerist urges and bought them all...o silly me


    edit: @phudoshin

    Me too.. fuckit .. cheap enough and my brain will be able to enjoy the subtle differences in about 25 years of listening :p

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