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Knob Twiddlers
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Posts posted by phudoshin

  1. yeh on a break and am listening to some top 2015/14 tracks from various friends .


    But now and then the two AE_LIVE tracks i chose come on and i'm fucking there boys..... sooooo good.



    Making a Murderer - binged on 7 episodes yesterday after watching the first one the day before, got angry after the end of the 8th and spoilered the outcome of the case because I really had to go to sleep but couldn't not find out how it all ended.



    some really infuriating, blood boiling shit in there. america really can be an utter cunt of a country when it wants to be.


    ultimately it's hard to know if he actually did it or not, but it seems crystal clear to me that the prosecution was utterly corrupt from the get go. it could well be that he did it and they knew it but wanted to ensure a conviction by planting evidence, or they could have just completely stitched him up, either way a complete travesty of justice.


    the treatment of his nephew was particularly infuriating.



    Had to stop after 5 episodes because it was so upsetting. May watch the some time down the line.

    yeye seriously, I was expecting a happy ending. do not watch this unless you want a heavy dose of depression. fuck those agents that interviewed the kid. how the fuck do they still have jobs!


    Binged the lot the last three days! Uttterly gripping and sou glad i never read spoilers. Poor nephew. WHERE THE HELL WERE SOCIAL SERVICES?

  3. I don't think there's any way they'd release any of the ae_live stuff on a trad album format.


    wtf would be the point?


    warp might want to, for the cash-flow, but i can't imagine da boyz would artistically allow it.. "you got 9 versions of each track in pristine quality already man. "


    Rather i could see them jamming out some other tracks with the same or enhanced patches. Kinda like the Oversteps tour, but in reverse chronologically. Ie tour first with live jams then album.


    I see these sets as their 2015 full-length release. "album"? In a way, yes.. but in a way, no.


    Not sure why warp haven't promoted it more. Maybe they don't know how cos of the format?

  4. On the gun thing: I did a 5 hr pistol shooting course two summers ago at a professional range (a police range actually) having never even shot an air-soft!


    It was about the funnest thing i've ever done and i'd be pretty lefty.


    My conclusion..."I like shooting stuff - you can't stop me shooting stuff" supersedes the right-to-bear-arms, self-protection, blah blah blah stuff. Its just really really awesome to shoot. They're toys for big boys.


    Pretty pathetic tho it is....i get the urge to want to not risk losing em.. its visceral and powerful.


    WTF is the problem with background checks/continuous assessment/skill validation etc tho? Where's the argument against these things?

  5. I'm probably not likely to cut these up myself but the act of trawling through each set and comparing likely track start/end times opened up the amazingness of the songs and the sets as as whole as well as the differences/changes across sets.


    As some atheists are found of saying, just because you you know how a rainbow works doesn't make it less beautiful. In fact it can be more amazing. this applies here, to me.

  6. sick job!


    tracks you left open in nagano sound like variations of atla (aka dreamy acid, around 13.14 - the pads are just more in the background) and nyik (sonar/submarine stuff) respectively to me. ironically that set felt the most familiar to me of the new bunch.


    also 46:16 of Krems deserves its own name imo ;D

    Had that Krems bit in my laptop spreadheet - fixed! Thanks bro

  7. Its actually really tedious!


    But so far....

    - the first 10 tracks are the same with same order and different timings in each set

    - there's more or less 15 tracks in each set

    - total of 20 new tracks if you consider some sets have unique tracks dropped in

    - sometimes its hard to know when a track ends and another begins but with cross referencing sets, a decent stab can be made

    - I'm naming the tracks cos its nice to have a name.


    - I'm inspired by the eskimo words for types of snow: http://ontology.buffalo.edu/smith/varia/snow.html

    As the tracks are crunchy, glacial, organic, fractal-like etc plus the words look Autechre-ish to me!


    So the first 10 are:

    1. tlapa
    2. tlacringit
    3. kayi
    4. blotla
    5. priyakli
    6. chiup
    7. truyi
    8. tlinro
    9. erolinyat
    10. attla

    I'm not sure i'll have the spreadsheet finished today... should i keep going though?

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