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Knob Twiddlers
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Posts posted by phudoshin

  1. Taking a break form these sets since last week - going back to afx Sc dump - but i know when i get back to em, it'll be amazing - probably better than ever

  2. MTV showing "second bad vibel" around the time of "Come to daddy" and "Come my selector"...all three tracks were just so raw and industrial yet emotional and human and with an obvious passion/artistry behind them, unlike most of the rest.


    Got everything i could then and still going.... hunting down CD's in "indie" record shops was great fun. seemed like a new cd was out every week!

  3. How come there's zero marketing of these live sets on Warp or at the main Bleep site or even twitter?


    Maybe it indicates a studio album is coming?

  4. I was at the Dublin gig and this recording sounds 100x better than it did on the night. Primarily because it doesn't include the sound of dozens of pissed wankers talking all the way through it.


    Why do people do that? And why aren't you allowed bring them out the back to kick their heads in?


    I didn't notice the pissed wankers and just danced me socks off. Had a really excellent dance-off with a couple of chaps to the WUM-WUM-WUM bit - good times!

  5. Artistically i don't see the point of an album release after these mastered sets. These showcase their skill and artistry in the live setting to maximum effect and also being in touch with fanbase thinking. Also, perhaps they feel isolated studio versions of the tracks take away from their sprawling, organic, connnected nature.


    Its also very different to say, Pearl Jam doing a tour of unheard new tracks, releasing mastered versions of the sets and NEVER releasing an album of those tracks. That would be unheard of unless PJ suddenly started doing instrumental jams. Its the nature of electronic tracks versus songs and the concept of albums in that context. (I pick on PJ as they're known for mastering and selling tons of live sets )


    But financially for Warp at least if not the duo, an album would obviously bring in some nice income. No-one can blame them for that, but in the interests of artistic integrity, i don't feel an album would work.



    when the new album drops, i seriously hope they use this as their promo pic.



    When? It dropped already you moop, in 4 versions!


    Something occurred to me about this release. Ae albums are so nuanced that repeat listens reveal new textures, melodies, elements making them seem alive and new every time.


    Now they've effectively pushed that idea to a new level with 4 versions (so far) of the same "album" each of which will reveal new textures on their own AND in relation to each other. Perfect autechrism right there




    unfortunately I don't really have any equipment that's suited to recording live stuff... my Squarepusher Warp20 recording wasn't too awesome.


    I'm pretty sure someone will be recording though... heh



    Hopefully it will be by Mr. Jamie Harley

  8. Yeh DJ'd a halloween party on Friday last - first time in years. Me on my laptop, my mate on vinyl, no headphones/no mixing software! I had these sets on my usb key and was sorely tempted to drop some but... alas i never did... some folks were on shroooms alright - they got a bit agro at the end! I enjoyed it so much i forgot to drink even!

  9. So proud to have been at the Dublin one and brought two of my besties who both utterly get the 'chre.


    We danced like fucking loons at it - no class A's! My own recording was from the very back probably literally 1 ft away from the sound engineer making this recording. The irony! (or would Ae have done it on their own machines?)

  10. I just see this as them doing changing their normal pattern a bit..


    ie create new studio, jam out tracks, make album, tour


    I think these sets and maybe future soundboard of the USA tour ARE the album

  11. Ae live soundboards

    Afx archive dumps

    Squarepusher with a band playing classics


    ....whats fucking next..?


    BoC touring?


    2015 - the year all our dreams came true

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