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Knob Twiddlers
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Posts posted by phudoshin

  1. all the youtube links posted in the 'uchoob comments up until now. It's an ongoing list. 556 videos so far. Begins with the oldest. Roughly chronological. People will post on old comments, so it's not really chronological, just a sweep from bottom to top.


    Wow brilliant!


    I also requested a link to all Richies faves music uchoobs at the google spreadsheet........that'd be sweet


    I thought drummers got to have the most fun with these songs...



    killed it

    That was awesome. I really don't enjoy most AFX covers with traditional instruments but this guy is just so into it (lol @ 2:11) and he nails the bass parts too :)




    My fave back-in-the-day unreleased track - given the pusher treatment, so to speak.....


    Eh what a stupid thread. Sorry to be that guy.




    Nobody sounds like Autechre. Nobody. Nobody has honed in like them and created such a diverse sound in the electronic realm. Their scope is so wide, yet they've managed to master it all. Seven Ark sounds like what some guy thinks Autechre is or something but doing it in a poor lame manner.




    I believe that there are some people doing interesting things who are also "honing in" on the focus of sound exploration and design. I think of Brian Eno or a guy like Actress... maybe even Vladislav Delay. People who are also exploring the depths of electronic music and really pushing themselves to do new things, not just rehash someone else's sound. But goddamn there is nobody with the insane focus and depth and structure as Autechre, who just carve right into raw sound. I am probably most hopeful of Actress. The guy is young, hustles and works hard, and is really pushing himself and sound design.

    99% agree except I haven't heard any Vladislav Delay that remotely warranted comparison.


    Autechre are real auteurs, they're like the Stanley Kubrick or Tarkovsky of electronic music. They boldly go wherever the fuck they want. They seem to be very conscious of the cliches that abound in the medium, or maybe just so focused on and experienced at finding the sounds they like or mutating things until they suit them until it really, really sounds like Autechre.


    Almost every other current electronic musician seems to be aping something. It seems really fucking hard not to. I do hear Autechre making things in the vein of 80s hip hop pretty frequently, but it doesn't come off as copying, it comes off as exploring and trying to push the aesthetic boundaries of that form. And in that respect Actress is literally the only other current act that comes to mind. I don't know if it's just that these guys just have high (or at least very specific) standards, but they're all capable of creating things that 1) sound like nothing else 2) truly sound like them, their tastes, their personalities and 3) can create immersive sonic worlds that are so detailed and finely tuned and free of distracting elements that I can suspend my judgment of the individual components and just enjoy the ride.


    As far as Actress, I keep hearing sentiments like...


    I've tried listening to Actress a bunch of times and it just sounds like 90's Susuma Yokota played through broken headphones to me. What am I missing?

    ... and I just do not hear it at all. It's like if the music doesn't have the usual sharp-edged trebly textures in it, people perceive it as lo-fi. I don't know if it's because I listen to some dub with a similar spectral footprint, but I just hear that as very customized, tasteful, sensitive EQ/mixing, using those facilities to create the colors he wants. And those colors might sound lo-fi just because they are almost non-existent in current electronic music. The prevalent shiny production just isn't the palette he wants to work with and that's fucking excellent. I hear no irony or pretense in it, it's just what he wants to hear and it sounds great to me. I "see" his music as much as I hear it, though, maybe that's part of it.


    R.I.P. Susumu Yokota btw :cry:


    WHat the fuck??????? sUSUMU DEAD?

  4. Serious question:


    .........all this SC stuff is amazing BUT how many think its pure ultra modern marketing effort by Aphex's hidden management posse?


    Sure it has the veneer of a musician-with-integrity-touching-base-with-fans.... but could it all be just another music industry charade?


    Does it even matter?.... if its all about the tunes anyway?

  5. delaying the update emails is intentional - don't want a ton of people slamming the site if there are problems!


    re comments above - I bought the pro account because we were all panicing when he was reaching 30 tracks or whatever limit the free account had. I figured $140 or whatever it was, was worth a couple more tunes... never in a million years would I have imagined we'd end up with over 220. Best ever.


    I'm not doing the vote site thing in some attempt to get a mention on an album cover - I'm doing it because doing a poll in the usual way would suck for this, I really hope this is setting a standard for other electronic artists and building a platform that lets a sounddump become way more useful (hence playlist options) is appealing. I hope it will get used beyond this dump.


    Plus every time I've met somebody famous who was highly influential on me I end up vaguing the hell out and being useless, which is bizarre considering I did a lot of event promotion / video streaming work for fairly well known artists when I was younger.


    This is a satisfying project because I'm able to actually do and provide something useful beyond the usual "omg thank-you so much".

    pat yourself on the back mate! Exemplary work :)

  6. I've seen so much praise for Pretend Analog Extmix 2b, but I'm gonna say it'd have to go into my 'Can't Get Into' selection.

    What am I missing? Am I alone?

    I tend to play the tracks in my 2 hour /day commute to work in a cd in the car. So i never know the names of what i'm becoming familiar with sonically.


    I guess this track is very "Aphexy"-lite hence its popularity - electro bass, burbling acid lines, subtle vocally synths. Its poppy and "manageable".


    But it too is prob going in my "can't get into" list along with the other two tops ones, Organ 28 and 14 Cornish Spreek5b [st. Nectan S Glen Waterfalls Mix]


    They all just seem a bit meh RELATIVELY speaking.


    "Dance and Play" still not getting enough love btw!

  7. After a massive SC dump listen-fest along with squarepushers last album and accompanying live sets, I've come back to Syro and really really love the shit out of it all over again now that its like a familiar old pal i'm having a pint with.


    Good old RDJ

  8. Just a note that I met xf on my very first night in Oz on a working visa trip there back in 2006!


    It was at a gig, by chance!



    Knew him from the xltronic days and he brought us to the "Blue Mountains" a day or so after the gig to see some nature.


    Little did I know then that I'd be voting in a poll of epic proportions such as this, designed by the very same chap.



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