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Knob Twiddlers
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Posts posted by phudoshin

  1. After a massive SC dump listen-fest along with squarepushers last album and accompanying live sets, I've come back to Syro and really really love the shit out of it all over again now that its like a familiar old pal i'm having a pint with.


    Good old RDJ

  2. Just a note that I met xf on my very first night in Oz on a working visa trip there back in 2006!


    It was at a gig, by chance!



    Knew him from the xltronic days and he brought us to the "Blue Mountains" a day or so after the gig to see some nature.


    Little did I know then that I'd be voting in a poll of epic proportions such as this, designed by the very same chap.



  3. I think after giving it a long time to settle in, this could actually be my favourite overall BOC album... maybe there's no standout track that's grabbed me as much as some of their earlier releases, but as an album it's absolutely solid and I haven't got even slightly bored with it despite loads of listens.

    I second that completely - it was around this time of year 2 years ago when I first heard it and my second kid was due to be born. It has enormous nostalgic (IRONY alert) appeal for me and I've been really loving the vinyl recently on a warm spring evening. One of my favorite albums of albums of all time with a coherent, aesthetic. Also the promotional effort and twitter folloiwng at the time was truly amazing


    Heres a vid made at the time


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