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Silent Member

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by Silent Member

  1. some jazz starts playing over the track at 0:46. I think it may just be a trumpet, but I hope it's a jazz band.
  2. we are in for some serious trouble there's definitely some jazz band playing in that dubstep.
  3. jesus christ. I'm going to laugh mockingly at his music when I get home from work.
  4. well that sounds nice. I can forgive him the ganz graf typo, but... David Cronneberg? NEVER.
  5. It's because some of it is really good innit.
  6. I've been getting these frequently the last year, a couple of times a week, it's a bitch. On the plus side, I usually don't get any headaches. Dear doctor wattem, should I get my head checked?
  7. Generation Star Wars is the shit.
  8. I can't believe it. This will only end in DISAPPOINTMENT.
  9. I also blame my lamps.
  10. hahaha, I guess I'm a hater. I leave this thread now, I'm happy there's a new autechre album on the way, and that it's one I like. I will buy it and listen to it and have happy thoughts. I will not think too much about these megathreads. bye bye! ps. I never listened much to quaristice, I never got into it.
  11. quaristice was lazy and devoid of any real emotion or drive, this is an engaging album. their latest albums have just been a bunch of increasingly uninteresting wankery to me, like the Yngwie Malmsteen of electronic music.
  12. lol@ all the people with eggy faces. This album is definitely one of my favourite autechre releases, might turn out to be my favourite in the end, but you know how it goes... haters be hatin'
  13. I'm pretty confident this is real, probably my favourite release of theirs since LP5. If it's a fake it's still fucking awesome.
  14. I came loads in this thread. Going to try to get the scraps of gear I have left set up proper, laptoping on the couch isn't really helping my creativity.
  15. he's really awesome at making music with those faders.
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