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luke viia

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by luke viia

  1. lol yes, this, exactly the imagery in my head during this album... funky and dangerously slimy. great stuff
  2. I just bought some weed and it's not the strain I would have liked. Also, rent is due today and I just spent a chunk of my rent money on weed, not realizing what day it is. Weed.
  3. Now THAT is what I'm talking about! I need this game in my life. I love you Pete, you know how to make me happy +1, gonna have to pick this up!
  4. be more confident. dudely ugliness has very little to do with getting a gf
  5. pretty sure this is how chatmm syncs were born
  6. The reason I called it shit is because of what goDel said in the post directly above yours. My musings on whether to choose "slightly" or "fully" in either a positive or negative light do nothing to reflect my result. The calculation they use (as seen in the key) is too simple for any sort of worthwhile self-diagnosis. I do agree that a really high score means you're probably autistic, but a pass/fail test is still, IMO, a "shit" test, in that it doesn't distinguish any further than "yep you pass/no you fail" -- the 'spectrum' part is what is lacking IMO, so three of our four categories in this thread are probably largely meaningless and just depend on introversion/extroversion, or a whole host of other factors. and ftr, I'm the only one that called this test shit, haha. ps - I'm really hard on surveys. They're routinely given far more credit than they deserve, and people (scientists!) make real world decisions based on their misunderstandings of alternate interpretations of the results. It drives me bananas.
  7. wow, that key really highlights what a shit test this was, huh? lol, thanks eugene!
  8. haven't any of you guys ever played with "snakes" fireworks before? they're a less toxic version of what I thnk you're seeing there -- a chemical reaction by the name of "Pharaoh's Serpent" (which uses mercury thiocyanate... the common firework version uses sodium bicarbonate i think)
  9. There's a lot of ambiguity in the narration. I thought it was too cryptic as well. I couldn't keep up with who was who. Here's a reasonable explanation I've stolen from a guy on Eurogamer: It's also probable that the narration becomes more wild near the end because your character hurt his leg and is on a lot of painkillers. werd... I'm partial to the "Esther's in a coma and her husband is in the hospital talking to her" theory, (there's hints like the hospital equipment in the underwater highway, the "come back" + high heartbeat that you always hear if you attempt to get lost or die too early in the game, the red lighthouse dot resembling a beeping piece of equipment in an emergency room, the flatline you hear at the end of the game...) but there are holes all over the plot if you take that view too, so I dunno. There's definitely a huge air of pre-destiny throughout the game, as if this was always going to happen to the character. there's even that weird hooded character(s?) that you see on the cliff and (reportedly, I didn't notice) they're in a few other places as well... kinda looks like some version of a grim reaper when it's on the cliff. the ambiguity & symbology might be the most intriguing part of that game, so props to the developers for that, even if it was short and there wasn't much to "do"
  10. Oh, and I'm playing through Mass Effect 2. Forgot how much I loved this series. I could stay entertained just reading about and mining random planets.
  11. I liked Dear Esther. I'm still not sure if the main character is you, the guy talking to you, or that guy but he's already dead, or are you also about to be dead, or are you reliving his past? Are you Esther, presumably the narrator (Jacobson)'s wife? And are you maybe... in a coma? It seems like there's maybe another couple in the story at times, but I think Donnelly = Esther, so maybe not. It's like they had a mystery and just seriously refused to let it be solved. It's so full of symbology it's hard to know where it's supposed to start and stop... maybe the caves are your "inner self"? I mean, yeah, the lack of interaction was kinda disappointing, but my mind was still tickled. Also, those white lines on the cliff - you know the ones I mean - what did you gather they were?
  12. what I did was: y = (1 + t) / t [switch out y and t, that makes this easier imo] t= (1 + y) / y yt = 1 + y [multiplying both sides to clear that variable in the basement] yt - y = 1 [get all those y's together on one side] y(t - 1) = 1 [pull the y out of the common terms, so you can have it all alone ] y = 1 / (t - 1) [divide the terms in parentheses through, and done!] hope that made sense man, you were so close to the answer. always a headache when an algebra step stands between you and finishing your homework, lol
  13. lol misread your question stephen, didn't see the 1/g(t) was part of the question. ignore my last poast. g-1(t) = 1/(t-1)
  14. g-1(t) = t/(1-t) it's not too bad -- take your original function, and instead of writing "g(t)", write y. now switch all your x's and y's, so you get "x=y/(1+y)". solve for y. you've got your inverse i think i see your problem -- inverse function doesn't mean "to the -1 power" ... it's just terrible notation. trig is the same way. the inverse is defined by composite functions (it "undoes" your original function), but the easier graphical way to think about it is that it's the line you get when you reflect your function about the line y=x.
  15. click on the image once, it's actually pretty nice
  16. Not quite an adaptor story, but I was once sampling the bible on cassette, and at a part about hellfire, the batteries exploded acid all over the back of the player's case. It was pretty awesome... I thought Satan himself was getting down with my samples. Turns out I had just mixed a rechargeable battery with a standard AA. exploding electronic fwps ftw.
  17. i got drunk on this crap last night, i'm just out of anything to mix it with today and being whiny. it's pretty bad stuff. what's really irritating me in the first world tonight is Ctrlr, or midi yoke, i can't tell. probably both. FURIUS
  18. i'm drinking REALLY bad whiskey, and i'm the one that bought it. for myself.
  19. lol (it was a pretty cool video btw, long-armed squid is long)
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