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Posts posted by beerwolf

  1. I've had enough of having to look up how the fuck I type jef3eroo3 so from now on it's Jeff. 

    Jeff is a true metal mastermind. And High On Fire is Beast Level Metal. Like just imagine the ultimate fucking Dinosaur beast? (That has never been discovered!) And that beast is angry! And it breathes fire and has an enormous axe weapon dripping with blood! And has a spiked club on the end of its tail that would crush and mush a massive elephant into ketchup! This Angry Beast Lord is nothing compared to High On Fire. Those motherfuckers just slay it! Matt Pike would blast this beast into the SUN with his riffs! The Angry Beast Lord is puny against High On Fire! The Angry Beast Lord is roasted as THE RIFF sends him skyward, accelerating towards the sun the beast is roasted and falls back to Earth. Hot and tasty and cooked to perfection. The Angry Beast Lord destruction is complete as The Metal Mastermind puts it inbetween a nice tasty bun with a slice of cheese and (perhaps....?) a nice slice of gherkin with some burger relish.

    Matt Pike and Jeff devil horn each other and the world is a better place  🍔


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  2. This is what a goldfish hears while swimming round his oxygenated aquarium (with the pump and the bubbles fizzing in the corner and through a thin glass wall which fades and dubs out the clarity) when the dude who the goldfish lives with plays Autechre loud on his speakers in the same room.

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  3. I've just twigged that this is his second recent album. I do really like some tracks by him but a lot of it not so much. Watmm reviews sound very positive so I will listen asap. Need some new electronic music to listen to. I'm either totally out the loop or there doesn't seem much to get excited by recently music wise. 

  4. If you think EP7 is better than Garbage EP then you need a brain transplant!

    Its okay. A bit like Floyd fans who have listened to Dark Side Of The Moon, Animals, Meddle and Wish You Were Here over a million times so then decide Atom Heart Mother is their second best album. It's not. Never will be.

    Suck the cows udders! Go on suck the juice!!


  5. 5 hours ago, kakapo said:

    They had a bit chat.  'Andy' said he had been very busy recently finishing off a big project.  Make of that what you will.  Could be a new album.  Could be a kitchen extension.

    Fucking lol! That made me laugh at 5am in the morning and I just got out of bed. Impressive.

    Could be a loft conversion? 😀

    (I did read about that bird)

    IF this is true, which isn't beyond the realms of possibility, and I certainly wouldn't put a large amount of money against your friend meeting 'Andy'. I'd keep it off twoism. Because I also definitely wouldn't bet against a load of them becoming covert twitchers in the hope of meeting God. Whereas I would bet that nobody on watmm could be arrrrsed doing such a thing. And there is the difference between us and them.

    If that post doesn't make any sense, as I said it's 5am. Now I gotta get my skates on! 

  6. 53 minutes ago, Pirtek said:

    Well, there's definitely no chance from the Beatles, two of them are dead. Boc on the other hand....

    Hah! Yes that's exactly what I was thinking, but couldn't be bothered to say anything 😄 Bit of a silly comparison really 😂

    • Haha 1
  7. 18 minutes ago, Joyrex said:


    No different than being a Beatles fan... there just isn't any new music coming... ever (of course I could be and hope to be wrong, but 11 years on...). Enjoy what they've chosen to share with us.

    Yes Mr Joyrex you are of course 100% correct. I had a great weekend but was very, very tired at work this morning, almost exhausted. This combination is always a recipe for some shit posts from my good self. In hindsight there's not much to say really. 

  8. Surely they should at least play live a few times around the world before they are finished? Fans of the band should get that opportunity once in their lives. I can't see another album after this one. So perhaps they should make that effort? 

  9. Just imagine being obsessed with BOC and being stuck in new music purgatory for over a decade between albums. Fuck that! How many years ago was Tomorrows Harvest? It's tough being a BOC fan for sure.

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  10. I remember when this thread was started almost a decade ago and thinking 'yeah, yeah what's this lefty horseshit'

    I can hold my hands up and admit I was totally and utterly wrong. In my defence, and as others would say, even though I live in the real world, and work in the real world, I am sometimes guilty of living in a daydream. Sometimes my wish to 'escape' the mundane real world bullshit takes over and I ignore what's crystal clear in front of me.

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