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Soloman Tump

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Posts posted by Soloman Tump

  1. I woke up at 5am....went out and it was cloudy. Guess 2033 is the next chance.

    My son woke up at 3am so I got the chance to stare at the moon for a few minutes. It was a weirs crescent and slightly red. Looked quite cool
  2. At least corbyn has definitely never put his genitals in the mouth of a pig carcass


    Can you be 100% sure on this.

    Who really knows what the initiations in to the National Union of Garments and Tailors is.

  3. Example (long story cut short....)


    I have a family member who has wasted all of his inheritance money on alcohol. And I mean a lot of money, talking about £30,000+. I dunno the exact figure. He lives in a house with his sister, and basically the inheritance money was theirs to share and to help pay for their keep for a few years while they settle down.

    They can no longer pay the rent on the house with just the sisters income, so they are being evicted.

    My parents are helping to bail the sister out and pay a few months rent, but she is basically screwed and cannot afford to rent a place on her own.

    I am pretty sure that he will end up in social housing, being looked after by the state.

    Same may go for her due to the circumstances she has been dropped in.

    Basically he has fucked up big time by secret drinking, getting pissed while she is out at work and turning into a loser. He has wasted all of their deceased parents savings.


    Who is to blame in this situation, and who should pick up the bill?

    Basically, he is to blame.

    But my family and the state (everyone else who pays taxes) is paying for it.

  4. So I've just been reading up on Corbyn.

    He went to a posh grammar school then dropped out of a polytechnic in London. He then spent his life working for unions and as a councillor.


    I heard a radio phone in where a guy was slating his Socialist views... Corbyn has apparently never done a days hard work in his life so how can he expect to win over the labour heartland?


    Wanting to scrap Trident won't win him many votes either. There will be lots of engineering firms down the supply chain who rely on the defence sector, plus the thousands of Scots who will lose Jobs directly.


    And open door immigration? I for one find that as as daunting (scary?) as the UKIP closed door policy.


    *writes something*


    *deletes it knowing the demographic of this forum*

    you fucking fascist

    Hah good one.


    Honestly I don't know what to think about this yet because I don't really know enough about the bloke.


    I do know he will be 71 years old when the next election comes around, so not sure what part of the youth vote he will be able to secure but that's pretty old for someone who wants to change lots of things in labour. Does he have many close knit supporters who can follow in his footsteps?

  6. OK so apparently the slice of Lynch doc was recorded in 2007 but the recent blu ray release was the full uncut hour rather than 25 mins that was on the gold box DVD.


    I was thinking....


    I wonder if Lynch would use flashbacks with unseen footage from the first 2 series. That would be pretty awesome to see scenes and dialogue not yet released.

  7. Just watched "a slice of Lynch" on the blu ray box set, really cool seeing David, Kyle and Madchen sitting around chatting about the original filming. It was only recorded last year so they must have already been discussing doing season 3.

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