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Soloman Tump

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Posts posted by Soloman Tump

  1. So the difference is its a higher quality stream and it costs more?


    What happens when Spotify just increase their stream quality?


    And the thing with streaming at a low cost is it deters some people from piracy.


    Making streaming more expensive will surely mean more sheeple will just pirate their shit pop music?


    What did the world look like as it was transforming into the horrifying apocalypse depicted in "The Walking Dead"? This spin-off set in Los Angeles, following new characters as they face the beginning of the end of the world, will answer that question.


    I am literally poised to find out the answer to this question.


    it's a virus.



    have you not heard of spoilers ffs







  3. Really wish they had chosen a different country completely for the spin-off, other than America again.

    Its basically the same climate / landscape as the current series, just a different bunch of disposable cast.


    Would have been kinda fun if they had set it in a fishing village in Alaska or somewhere in the French Alps or I dunno ANYWHERE except another mainland USA environment which will no doubt look and feel exactly the same as the current show.



  4. Ok so I have been slowly digesting all this sondclud dump malarky.

    I have all tracks (so far) on my mp3 player and i've been listening to them on shuffle as I walk the dog around town at night.


    Don't think i've found a track I dislike yet. The problem with doing it this way is that I have no idea what the tracks are called unless I keep pulling the player out of my pocket to check (which I can't be assed to do).


    Makes for a great dog walking soundtrack though and should last a couple more weeks before tracks start repeating!


    Speaking of childhood, these come to mind..


    Hero Quest



    Space Crusade




    Fact, hero quest was made my games workshop which is why it's similar to warhammer



    Used to spend forever playing Heroquest and Space Crusade.


    Then got into Space Hulk (which was basically Aliens: The board game)




    And also played Talisman for a while, but not as much as Space Hulk.




    There is a fairly nifty Android App version of Talisman that cost me about £4 to download. Very true to the board game (its fully licensed) and has been bringing back a few fond memories.

  6. My wife and I got Carcassonne for Christmas and have become slightly addicted. It was her birthday last week so we treated ourselves to the traders and builders pack. The game works really well as a 2 player, but I can see the tactics we have built up being useless if you had 4+ players

  7. Jumping out of my chair out of exaitement again, even more... Is this real life?


    Everytime I think I have made a definitive cool soundclud playlist, he uploads more stuff.


    I just have three files now: first, second and now the third batch. I'll start compiling next year or so probably...


    Yeah Im gonna quit compiling it all for now, its all gone back into one folder.

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