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Soloman Tump

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Posts posted by Soloman Tump

  1. Homer Loan.

    A feature length simpsons movie where Homer gets a new job working as a clerk in a bank. He does a good job of setting up overdrafts, loans and mortgages for the people of Springfield and eventually works his way up to being bank manager where he earns a lot of....



  2. Home Alone 6 starring Macaulay kulkin as a meth addict with pending legal issues and jail time going on one last bender for the Yuletide season.

    Surely its Home Alone: House Arrest.

    Macauley gets an asbo and is ankle tagged so stop him leaving 8th floor inner city apartment. What follows next will blow your mind with a complete 180/turn on the traditional plot. A series of increasingly hilarious slapstick comedy scenes follow where he tries to break out of his house rather than the robbers breaking in. It really is funny. It is also set during Christmas just like the old films, and in a subtle twist Kevin's family come to visit at the end for what proves to be a climax you will never forget.....

  3. I get really agitated if I start watching something then don't see all of it. Walking Dead started off so promising and it hooked me in and now I gotta see it through to the bitter end.


    Bit like how you can't get off a rollercoaster until the very end, and even after the ride has finished you have to wait for the cars to crawl along the flat bit of track and come to a stop

  4. Whilst it is very important that new watmm forums members have a through read of the rules as they sign up, it would not do established members any harm to refresh their memories every once in a while.


    The rules are there to be read, obeyed, and enforced.


    With that in mind, I suggest that every member of this forum with at least a 3.6 ppd count or a 10+ plus year join date perhaps prints out the rules and reads them this evening (perhaps over dinner with the family, or whilst sitting on the toilet). This would help with the general harmony of the forum and perhaps help encourage new members to pick up how this forum operates.


    The rules are there to be respected!



  5. Sat in my lounge last night drinking a fine glass of Talisker and absorbing myself in the mastery that is Confield.


    Definitely appreciate it a bit more after last night, the album is a killer.

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