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Soloman Tump

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Everything posted by Soloman Tump

  1. But imagine how much more crap we can talk about the show when the spin off arrives. But didn't it turn out that even if you die of natural causes you still turn into a zombie? The virus is airborne or something...? Well that's why I chose Iceland... Fairly remote and cold, basically the virus never reached there. /nerd Well... over half a million people visit Iceland every year, so... /discussing on the internet OK well sure. Still just as plausible as the premise for the rest of the show, amirite? *receives call from Walking Dead show runners* *turns out the call is from me* *squueeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!*
  2. But imagine how much more crap we can talk about the show when the spin off arrives. But didn't it turn out that even if you die of natural causes you still turn into a zombie? The virus is airborne or something...? Well that's why I chose Iceland... Fairly remote and cold, basically the virus never reached there. /nerd Well... over half a million people visit Iceland every year, so... /discussing on the internet OK well sure. Still just as plausible as the premise for the rest of the show, amirite? *receives call from Walking Dead show runners*
  3. But imagine how much more crap we can talk about the show when the spin off arrives. But didn't it turn out that even if you die of natural causes you still turn into a zombie? The virus is airborne or something...? Well that's why I chose Iceland... Fairly remote and cold, basically the virus never reached there. /nerd
  4. I still like my idea of a spin-off show being set on Iceland where basically everyone is normal and the zombie plague hasn't affected them. The show is about their daily struggle to survive now that there are no tourists or imported goods flying into the island. A new hierarchy is formed where the shop owners are kings and some of the farmers are hording all of the crops in freezers. There are plenty of quaint episodes where society is strained and tested but basically everything is cool and nobody knows what the hell is happening to the rest of the world. At the end of the series all shit breaks loose when a boat runs aground and its full of zombie Russian sailors and everyone dies. That would be fucking ace.
  5. I used to love reading Slaine, Bradley and Mazeworld. Had some fun times growing up with 2000ad, not read it in years though. Was never really a massive fan of Dredd.
  6. I'm kinda weirdly fascinated by these predominantly Russian rave pyramids. Piramide al number one 01/06/2011: There are quite a few videos on YouTube but this one is quite good quality. Obviously these people have all gone to dance at this rave and not form moshpits and human sculptures. Bizarre but intriguing to watch. This one is cool too, the mc seems to be actively encouraging it... number one extreme 12-03 2011 finale:
  7. And Michonne putting her sword through zombie Herschel's head over and over and over again
  8. I enjoy reading this thread. I am still halfway through watching season 4 but all your comments have helped to keep my expectations really low, and its helped to keep my enjoyment of the show pretty high. Cheers!
  9. Picture shows up from here! Hang in ill try attaching differently
  10. So I visited the new smoke house in town last night, and conquered their "big daddy" burger. 12oz burger, 3 rashers bacon, pulled pork, brisket, Chile con carne, cheese, chips and salad. They do an even bigger burger that I will try next time!
  11. One prisoner who died shortly after seeing it called it a dragon once. Never heard any military or official sources in any of the films call it a dragon. Dragon. Dragon. God damn this next movie better not be as much as a clusterfuck as prometheus otherwise im gonna take my replica pulse rifle and storm Ridley Towers.
  12. Oversteps is generally a good winter album I find.
  13. I think I'll go for the old school swamp thing soon, read so many good things about it I'm on book 4 currently it's been a fun read, Moore's writing is great as expected, and the artwork is awesome. Also helps enjoyment if you have a bit of Constantine knowledge as it ties in here and there. I'm fine with the odd storyline tie in. This is what grates me with the latest New 52 stuff - so many tie ins, constantly, means a single comic is difficult to follow for an extended period of time without having to read up on others. I get that they want to sell more comics by making you buy other volumes, but its really starting to put me off.
  14. Gabber shouldn't need to be explained. Its mostly just fast, fun music that makes you bounce around like a fool. I know there are sub-genres that take the fun out of it and make it darker, but basically the essence of the stuff is that its fast and predictable and it makes you dance. Best gabber (gabba?) sets I have experienced:- Hellfish & The Producer at Glade Festival (2006?) Tim Exile @ Bangface (elektrowerkz 2006?) Captain Ahab @ Bangface (elektrowerkz 2008) Some of the acid techno stuff gets close to gabber speeds - Rowland the Bastard plays relentless acid techno that kicks the ass out of it.... I was present for this and it was fucking awesome:-
  15. I think I'll go for the old school swamp thing soon, read so many good things about it
  16. Going to start watching my blu ray box set once I've finished with something else. Should I watch FWWM first? I've never seen it before
  17. Picked up volume 4 in the Justice League Dark New 52 TP series. Struggling to pay attention to whats going on - this series started off with promise but has generated into standard DC mess with fuck all interesting stuff going on apart from "oh noes! the world is gonna end!" shit, and my interest in all of the characters has pretty much dropped to zero. The Swamp Thing included in the story does nothing to add to my interest - he's just there getting thrown around doing nothing. I'm gonna stick with the main Swamp Thing story though, still seems pretty good and is keeping me entertained. Was a bit annoyed that they have concluded Animal Man already - surely there was enough promise to keep that going for a while longer. DC generally seems like a mess to me - they keep starting new stories / closing series off prematurely, have joined some stories together and dropped others altogether. Seems like a bit of a logistical clusterfuck with about 5 versions of the justice league all going on at once.
  18. guess how many rocks first... http://youtu.be/FLel0MOEdZc I dunno. Part of me thinks he has been mulling this over for 25 years. I doubt very much it will be fucked up, but I am concerned that modern effects will look out of place (no CGI plz)
  19. Was clearing out some of CDs and DVDs for music magpie, and came across this gem which I obviously kept hold of! Absolute genius show
  20. I have incal and I live it. I didn't realise there was a before and after incal story! Made my day!
  21. Any thoughts on grouping these tracks up by time / style so they fit nicely onto CDs? Artwork designs etc?
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