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Soloman Tump

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Everything posted by Soloman Tump

  1. I thought the same about Leonard Cohen
  2. Mid week album chart from the bbc
  3. Note to watmm. Not yet listened to this album.
  4. Very nice Japanese bonus track. Not heard the rest of the album yet...!
  5. So I wake up and every bugger has downloaded a leak. Can't you guys wait a few more days? Feel sad for Richard and Warp who have obviously put a lot of effort into trying to keep this under wraps.
  6. Resists samples. I managed it for oversteps and exai so I should be able to avoid this. Only heard minipops twice so far and they were both radio plays.
  7. Please don't leak. It will be a win for the industry for once.
  8. True. It would not devalue the CD at all.
  9. Looks like ant man spliced with wolverine spliced with magneto
  10. Syro release date: 22nd Sept. Baby due date: 25th Sept. Busy month yo!
  11. Hope I get the limited edition £250 vinyl. I'm gonna scratch off minipops with a Stanley knife because that mastering is WHACK
  12. Cool I now have a chartreuse phone Looking sexy!
  13. The studio rooms list seems to tie up with his rolling stone interview
  14. It was said in the Lolling Stone interview that Syro is Richards way of drawing a line under all the older works, clearing the decks as it were. Kinda glad this album will be a bit of a retrospective and slightly more accessible... Gotta get the casual fans and the media on board if you want a positive comeback. Plus... Noise album next, plz
  15. He was on the radio earlier and seemed genuinely excited by the return of Aphex.
  16. Tonight 7:30pm radio one. Zane Lowe has first play of MiniPlhlaps "Hottest record in the world"
  17. Pre-ordered from Rapture in Oxfordshire, they had a wod of about 30 of the credit card things in. No listening party tickets although not surprised about that.
  18. A poor mans Alcofribas review. 1/10
  19. Interesting it says East London for the party. Probably somewhere in trendy shoreditch.
  20. Mary Anne Hobgoblin wins again. In fact, 6music win again, love this station.
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