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Soloman Tump

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Posts posted by Soloman Tump

  1. Here is episode 3:

    Episode 4 is currently going out live.  Its very trippy and bleepy- quite a departure from what you would normally expect from Nick / Ekoplekz.  On his insta page he has been playing with an 0-coast and that feels evident here....


    Ep4 linky. I like how the art is changing a bit each time, as each show feels like a slight departure / iteration from the last.  Great stuff.


  2. Been spinning the CD today.

    Its a nice album - certainly a slight departure from murky fog Stott of the past decade (which I love).

    The drums on the title track are super lush. Definitely are more upbeat / spring vibe on this album and it does feel like an evolution of his sound (I don't think he could have got deeper down the rabbit hole of murk without losing what makes his sound "Stott", so going upbeat and slightly poppy was the right choice imo)

    I quite like the video; its not cringe?

    • Like 2
  3. 1 hour ago, T3551ER said:

    Ahhh, the utter confusion, hype train that blasts off, derails, then re-rails, then unrails, slightly torn promises, nostalgia tears, and tasteful melange of misinformation....? 

    I nominate this for Most WATMM Thread of 2021


    If it strings out for another month then it could potentially reach BOC levels of hype / disappointment.



    • Like 1
  4. 1 hour ago, toaoaoad said:

    Yeah I was really biting my tongue when I saw that "last person on earth" bit.  I'm surprised tho, I thought the UK was going at a pretty good speed?  I mean, better than Canada I would have thought for sure. But the timeline you describe sounds a lot like ours. 

    Yeah we are going at a good rate to be fair. It started at oldest / most vulnerable first, then working our way down through the ages. All over 60s have now been offered the jab, as well as critical front line staff etc. Over 50 invite going out from today, slightly ahead of schedule.

    It does seem to be the one thing that the govt have done pretty well at 

    • Like 1
  5. On 4/8/2021 at 1:54 AM, acid1 said:

    Felt like I was the last person on earth but I got my vaccine today.

    I don't mind getting covid and I understand thats a risk after being vaccinated but its my understanding I won't die now if I get it. Thats a big plus for my daughter's future.


    Nah don't worry, im still under 40 and relatively healthy so probably won't see a vaccine until June / July.

    • Like 1
  6. Shops and gyms open in England and Wales tomorrow. Be interesting to see how the stats react since Covid seems to be largely under control now.  Plenty of people still getting jabs though so hopefully we have actually got a way out and can have a half decent summer ahead. 

    Unless of course the work done so far gets spoilt by the idiots partying and recklessly protesting en-masse. 

    (Note, I'm ok with a protest.... But not when you act like a twat and don't protect yourself and others)

  7. My first attempt as weird dungeon / noise sounds, a collaboratively distanced project with Stone Jaw from Connecticut.

    We both made 2 tracks 10 minutes long (without consulting eachother), layered them and these are the results.  Actually not bad considering.


    • Like 1
  8. 7 hours ago, kuniklo said:

    I'm surprised at the venom on this thread. I don't think it's that bad. It would be lame if he was still trying to do Aphex impressions 20 years on.

    Show me a Clark aphex impression pls

    • Thanks 1
  9. 7 hours ago, yekker said:

    I've been watching The Keepers on Netflix. It's about the sexual abuse of children that happens in the Catholic church and in particular, at a girls private school in the 70s. Just a mini series I'm on episode four and there's probably a total of eight. I recommend it.


    And with the same name (but in Russian), Khraniteli has been released... The 90s Russian adaptation of Lord of the rings has surfaced.

    Looks like parts 1 and 2 are now up, with English subtitles for those who are interested!


    The subtitles are hilarious, and the visuals are really psychedelic. I love this


    • Thanks 1
  10. 9 minutes ago, Silent Member said:

    Well, those would be inferior copies, the gif I see/download is identical to the original.

    This is what I don't understand.

    It would be an IDENTICAL copy - but not the true original.  But I don't see why its worth 72.00 ETH anyway. 

    I will just reiterate my "fair play" comment to the artists who manage to sell digital stuff this way for big bucks.  But it makes absolutely zero sense to me. 

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