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Soloman Tump

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Posts posted by Soloman Tump

  1. 4 hours ago, Ivan Ooze said:

    great job boss but uhm i can't use tapatalk anymore to check watmm?


    Nice trollin'


    I like the desktop layout of new WATMM fine, but not a big fan of the mobile setup yet.  Everything is still too big, and I can't quite get the hang of the unread / filters.  Time of course will be the healer.

  2. 3 hours ago, auxien said:

    that's...very noisy. ? I've recorded some stuff nearing those levels of harsh but not quite, and I rarely delve into 'noise' stuff quite that heavy so i'm not the target audience perhaps... some enjoyable bits but I gave up about halfway through, just a little too much for me, i'm sure there's some who would be into tho. like the idea/direction, just maybe not that particular take? will be curious to hear more no matter :beer:

    Thank you for listening... I actually prefer the second half haha, I settled into it a bit more.

    I will keep recording the sessions and hopefully a few bits will stand out as "release" worthy... 

    Recently bought 50 no. 3" CDs with wallets and labels...

  3. 3 hours ago, darreichungsform said:

    Did you ingest all those liquids in the process?


    This is a whole lot of noise, I like. Maybe some bassy kick drum in the sidechain of the compressor would sound nice

    That's my home batch of Sloe Gin, probably ready to ingest by now!

    Yeah the kicks could be fatter in the mix, ill work on that. Thanks for listening.

  4. A 21 minute recording of live noisy techno.  Made with volca kick, monotron, a whole bunch of pedals and a mixer. Image below (testing out the new forum upload options, lush)


    No post processing / editing / mastering - you can probably tell, presented here with warts and all ?

    Slowly getting to grips with my live noise/techno rig that I want to take out on the road soon.

    Some sections of this sound quite good to my ears, some others not so... I am constantly learning.  Slowly.


  5. Question...


    How do I edit my signature? Cannot find a setting.


    Browsing via laptop / firefox now, looks lush.  Good work JR and crew.


    Agreed the mobile layout is nice but it does have a LOT of wasted space.

  6. As I said in the main thread, I wish All End had been split across the A side of 3 different records so that with a DJ setup of 2 turntables you could seamlessly play the entire track.


    Not possible in the current configuration unless you have 2 copies of the record!

    • Haha 1
  7. <===== ISSUE 6 INCOMING =====>


    Exciting times.


    Kind of accidentally a Bristol special, featuring:


    • An Interview with Nick Edwards (Ekoplekz)
    • Machina Bristronica: Geeking out with modular synths for the day
    • An interview with WORM MONOLITH
    • R.I.P Keith Flint
    • Pub Quiz
    • Stone Tapes
    • Art by Betty Heredia: Visualising Music
    • Poetry and Art
    • Music reviews

    Available soon from the new online shop at www.snarerush.limitedrun.com where you can also find remaining copies of issues 4 and 5.

    Thanks for the support....


    Trades welcome if you have things to offer.....




    A new underground music podcast has set itself a mighty challenge: to listen to and discuss one-by-one the albums of Japanese noise godfather Merzbow. Each episode of Merzcast sees Greh Holger of Chondritic Sound and another musician or noise fan sit down together to absorb a particular album by Masami Akita and reflect on it afterwards.


    not sure how i feel about this: they're selling cassette tapes of each episode



    Found the latest episode quite interesting, it was a guy from Editions Mego talking about a Japanese tour in 1999 with Russell Haswell. Not sure I need to own it on tape though!

  9. Anyone ever used a "Music from outer space" Noise Toast?




    I think a semi-modular standalone synth like this would be the next evolution in my setup.


    (when my GAS ban is lifted in June :D)


    Seems a very reasonable price at £145.00 plus carriage from Italy (currently on Reverb)

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