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Soloman Tump

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Posts posted by Soloman Tump

  1. I'm still learning how to use this properly, but I can confirm the Bastl Thyme is fucking dope. Though I get the feeling this box doesn't really shine until you start sending CC messages to it.


    Interesting, I read mixed reviews of the SoftPop synth and watched a couple of videos that made it seem overly complicated and glitchy.  Like, its fine making glitchy sounds but you want some degree of repeatability with it. 

    Thyme looks like they threw in a load of effects - hope you learn to tame the beast

  2. Website updated.




    You can now view issue #4 online (hard copies all gone)


    Still some of Issue 5 left if anyone wants a copy.


    Issue 6 being worked on - got a great couple of interviews lined up and some other cool content, stay tuned for updates.... Excited for this issue!



    All zine orders now come with a SNARERUSH fridge magnet :-)


    If you want to join the mailing list, send me a DM or e-mail zine@snarerush.co.uk





    Having a rethink on Bullwallet; really difficult to do Autechre justice with my limited resources / time / budget.  Keeping it on the back burner for now unless I manage to get a shit load of spare free time suddenly (kek)

  3. I "quite" enjoyed the ISAM live thing I caught at Brixton Academy. But I distinctly remember enjoying LORN more who was on first, then also Tobin's DJ set afterwards in a small club around the corner.  The ISAM hype didn't really live up to expectations after seeing it all on youtube multiple times before.


    Keen to hear this release though.

    Regardless of the BPMs.


    According to RA, 19 previously unreleased autechre sets came out today including some European sets like Dublin, Brussels & Krakow...


    Electronic music credibility is revoke!

    Resident Advisor still haven't fixed this fail. Embarrassed for them.

    it will never be fixed now they have disabled comments. RA going down.

    • Like 1
  5. lol re: wife/gf


    Yesterday I put the first three on my phone and was leaving for a 3hr walk while gf was 'working' via laptop at my place. She was in the middle of a skype meeting but was mouthing "wait" at me as I was putting my coat on and putting a beer in my pocket.


    I got as far as the front step of my flats when she called me and let me know she'd finished for the day and could come with me now ಠ_ಠ




    When a private walk with music turns into a "conversation opportunity" with a loved one :cerious:

    Have been there, I feel your pain





    lol fuck guess i have to divorce my wife so i can focus on these properly

    I literally already did that tho


    my GF left me 1.5 years ago. i think she knew this was coming.

    I'm out on my honeymoon - when I mentioned to my wife autechre had just released 20hrs of live sets she did not look amused...



    Posting on watmm from honeymoon :catsalute:


    Discussing with newlywed wife about autechre live digital releases whilst on honeymoon :emotawesomepm9::catsalute:

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