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Soloman Tump

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Posts posted by Soloman Tump

  1. 1 hour ago, B1000 said:

    being a sore loser IS your strong suit lol

    A number of pro Brexit voters didn't vote, boycotting the EU elections comes part and parcel for some people.

    This wasn't a clear cut fake referendum.

    I also know a green voter who voted leave in the referendum.

    I would also imagine there are plenty of leave voters who couldn't put their name against something associated with Farage or UKIP. 

    Adding up the pro/leave party votes could kinda give an indication sure, but it doesn't mean that is what would happen at a referendum.


  2. 1 hour ago, MadameChaos said:

    I doubt it, he's just an opportunistic little toad. He's in this position due to the infighting and incompetence of the current government. Swine one and all.

    Well exactly, started up a limited company (The Brexit Party Ltd) to cover his head if it all goes tits up.  If the government or their opposition were doing a decent job, we wouldn't even be having these elections and Nigel would still be sitting under a rock having lost his position as an MEP.... ?



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  3. On 5/13/2019 at 10:43 AM, BCM said:

    lib dems are only sane choice imo

    Been looking at their manifesto but it is mainly "stop this nonsense" without any detail of what they would want to do after. Pretty much just the opposite of the Brexit Party statement.

    They want to "create" a 7.5 billion pound emergeny brexit support fund - how and where from?




  4. Exciting times for Underworld fans, this feels like their "NTS" sessions box set.  I just read they are only half way through releasing the Drift music, so there is plenty more to come!

    Wembley Arena looks like a pretty massive venue, I have been to the Stadium (saw Foo Fighters there years ago) which was very impressive.


  5. 36 minutes ago, caze said:

    looks good, always wanted them to show more of the real world, looks like this will mostly be set there.



    Thats what the trailer *wants* you to think ?


    Looking forward to this, S2 was a bit of a weird one for me.  In the main I enjoyed it, but it didn't have the WOW factor of S1

  6. @Joyrex for some reason I didn't that time but I do. Then my phone autocompletes and I get Joyrex written twice, once with highlighted blue and once in plain text. I delete the @ version as it returns the invalid URL

  7. Recently been making noises with this lot. The gold pedal to the right of the mixer is the Pladaskt Fabrikat, awesome granular synthesizer that produces such a variety of sounds.

    Also been making Sloe Gin haha 


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