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Soloman Tump

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Posts posted by Soloman Tump

  1. Voter apathy / protest for the imposed european elections could be fun.


    If the REMAIN camp use it to voice their strength, we could have massive turnouts.


    Conversely if anti-EU candidates stand as MEPs then there could be a strong turnout for them too, basically a referendum v2.0


    Or everybody has given up on politics and its a flop, nobody gives a shite and nobody stands.

  2. We have become accustomed to eating stuff all year round. If we learn to eat seasonal again it might not be too bad.


    As long as someone still sends us Bananas its all good

  3. I recently got a guitar pedal from Norway and had to pay VAT plus the customs duties before Parcelforce would release it from the depot to ship it to my house, so I guess this is what would happen from every other EU country in the event of a no-deal.

  4. There's actually a risk that if you ordered before Brexit but receive the order after that you're going to pay both the VAT and the customs.


    Hope my WCN order from Germany turns up pretty sharpish then :cerious:

  5. Isn't a lot of vinyl pressed on mainland Europe anyways.  Prices will inevitably rise unless we get our own old plants back up and running (we probably sold all the equipment off cheap years ago though)

  6. Which is exactly why we need to call the whole thing off and remain. There is no better deal than we currently have.


    Agreed, if its not actually possible for our MPs to make a decision on a full Brexit, then i'd rather stay in than have some shitty halfway house hybrid offspring monster bastard.

  7. why is that a good analogy? what specifically is the difference between the fee we pay to be in the single market, and the economic benefit of exporting without any import/export tax to 28 other countries?


    The difference is we won't have any MEPs sitting in on the meetings to help make decisions on what happens to us.


    E.G we won't actually be playing golf, just watching the games unfold.

  8. Great, looks like Corbyn is leading us into soft Brexit world. The worst of both worlds.


    Heard a good analogy on the radio this morning.


    The EU customs union is like being a full paying member of a very expensive golf club, but only being allowed to caddy.

  9. Too bad Nick Boles left. :/

    yeah he seemed one of the good ones.


    Labour really could have made a big impact on this but they seem happy to sit back and watch the Tories implode.


    After no deal, they can then blame everything on TM. Cunts all round.


    Same shit, different decade.

  10. Idiot tories, mostly voting against all the options. All the other parties seem to be being pragmatic and willing to look at alternatives. If you look at how they all voted it's the Tories that have onee again ensured no options gain a majority.


    They either want no deal or May's deal. Fucking absolute wankers. They've got to go.


    Tories had a free vote which I think is fairer than Labour who were whipped into specific options.  Free vote all round would be the most sensible option at present.


    They've all got to go, seismic shifts at the next local / general election.


    Where to though - who knows.  Some new faces / party need to step up.

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