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Posts posted by Stock

  1. Relationship problems : been with my gf for a year and a half now, great girl, but sometimes she suddenly burst into rage for no particular reason. I learnt to adapt myself to this and been trying my best for months to make her happy and never annoying her too much - that means, a lot less spare time for me, less time for my studies, less time for my friends (some of them she doesn't stand...).


    Lately she's been more and more sad, she often thinks I'm going to leave her alone (not true of course), and that created a lot of trouble because she's always a bit upset when I do something without her. But I'm happy with her, and don't want to hurt her feelings because deep inside I know she's a really good person.


    Anyway, my friends are really saddened to see me, because from the outside things are not looking good and they want me to be happy as much as it's possible. And today my parents talked to me about her for a good while, basically saying same things as my friends ("ask yourself the good questions", "are you really happy in this relationship", "she's slowly taking you from your friends" etc etc etc).


    I'm kind of depressed right now because I really don't know whether I'm happy or not. I know I don't want to break up with her but in the same time I know that's not a perfectly "sane" relationship, especially given the way she just can't stand me doing other things than being with her, or the way she blames me for almost everything (especially the feelings of loneliness she's having lately).


    I'm a desperate optimist and I'm pretty sure things will get better and better with time but I'm starting to have doubts and I know that's no sign of well-being in a relationship.


    Sorry for the long post but it's cool to freely speak about that here (because I don't even know how to engage such a conversation with her...)


    TL;DR : i'm fucking lost.


    I wanted to ask you guys, how did you have your stuff released on such labels ? Did you send demo tracks, or was it more of a slow progression by showing off more and more tracks until you got spotted ?

    Just sent off the finished album to the label once it was finished - most are super submission-friendly. I know the girl who runs Swamp Circle so that was a way in, but otherwise my submission email has been first point of contact.



    Yup thanks :) !!! Will try to have a really fleshed out vaporwave LP soon or later to send then !


    Have you heard My Squelchy Life too? It was basically what Nerve Net was going to be originally, but scrapped around that time and has now been reissued really recently! I recommend I Fall Up and Rapid Eye if you ever check it out :catrecline:



    Will check, I really liked Nerve Net and very curious to hear stuff similar to this !

    By the way, My Squelchy Life is also a track on Nerve Net isn't it ?

  4. I wanted to ask you guys, how did you have your stuff released on such labels ? Did you send demo tracks, or was it more of a slow progression by showing off more and more tracks until you got spotted ?


    Absolutely loved Axiom Verge because it's so much like Metroid. The glitch gun is such fun. By far my favorite game from last year. I'm in the middle of replaying on hard.

    It was a great game and had me addicted from start to finish - Think I beat it in a couple of weeks which for me is super quick (Fallout 3 took me like 5+ years!).



    Is it that long to finish ? I was afraid it might be too short, because of the "Metroidvania" genre itself (only played Metroid Fusion, one of my favorite games but kind of quick to beat !)

  6. Ha ! I remember Warp said that his 3 latest EPs would be released just before a new LP, but it never came...Glad to hear that news even tho I'm not the greatest Pritchard/Harmonic 313 fanboy.


    Also, this :


    featuring collaborations with Thom Yorke, Linda Perhacs, Bibio and Beans.


    is interesting !

    Did not expect an "ambient" track like this one coming from him but it's good nonetheless :music:


    And I love the artwork ! The a e s t h e t i c s are strong with this one !

  7. btw blank, u up for producing some of this? would be a fun project to get a handful of watmmers signed up to a label, maybe start a netlabel?


    edit: I'm defo in for the chatmm comp of this


    This is a neat idea.

    And I do love the term of "hahasexualism" !

  8. for the first time in years, I decided to revisit Half-Life and get worked up about the possibility of HL3. reading up on stuff, I just found out that the series writer, Marc Laidlaw, left Valve a month or two ago and has retired from video game writing. I guess it's never happening now. how does a company let an amazing franchise just die like that? I'm sad.

    I'm pretty sure changing the writer wouldn't me an abortion of the project...maybe he had the time to write stuff for Valve before leaving ?


    Anyway let's hope HL3 won't be "Call of Duty : Black Mesa Ops".

  9. You know I was just thinking, I was imagining 8 Utopia in my mind and I thought, this soundcloud thing is a once in a lifetime kind of thing, Richard pulled out all the freakin stops for us


    I'm also listening to syrobonkers interview tracks, and even that was off the chain: early fenix funk, synthacon, spectrum beats, some really hot shit on there, and that was the appetizer


    so rad


    but it makes me wonder... what WAS the new shit gonna be...? Any guesses? :tongue:



    Well the "Guess what the new shit is" thread has been closed exactly one year ago...I guess we'll never know :shrug:

  10. Picked a SAW 85-92 repress copy in my record store the other day. Totally rediscovering that classic, feels like it suddenly makes more sense (probably more because of me having extended my tastes in music than because of the vinyl format).


    Xtal and Tha sound soooo much better on vinyl tho. Tha especially has a lot more depht now.

  11. Since Valve is in on the VR scene, I wouldn't be surprised if HL3 ends up being released as a major VR-centric title to promote the Vive. I can't think of anything that would generate more Vive sales than that...

    Ha ! That's exactly my thoughts about HL3 as well, ever since I read what the Portal Vive demonstration looked like.


    HL2 kind of introduced the use of advanced physics in a game, I wouldn't be surprised if HL3 was all MAKE VR GREAT AGAIN.

  12. Looks like Pokemon Moon and Sun are our two next games in the franchise:


    Never played any pokemon game besides Pokemon gold but I'm always looking forward the names they found for their episodes - I'm like what will they do next time ? Well sun and moon are quite good names imo.


    BTW which recent pokemon game should I pick ? I have a DS Lite and don't know anything about the last 4 or 5 pokemon games...

  13. Recent favorite of mine was "1" by Blank Banshee, I like vaporwave but barely listen to entire albums, this one felt special because it wasn't just more generic vaporwave. Don't know if it's a good album to discover the genre but it's a strong release imo.

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