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Posts posted by Stock

  1. I first stumbled upon Squarepusher's Just A Souvenir by reading a french electronic music magazine, then everything went quick : I bought another SP album, saw that Warp celebrated their 20th birthday soon afterwards and decided to buy the Warp20 (Chosen) comp as a starting point for this new music I was discovering.


    First disc had Gantz Graf which I just did not understood at that time, second disc had Drane which was a bit more accessible yet still kind of strange.


    Then there was that YouTube channel named bstdrmusic or whatever (the one with the orange background and the fuckton of music) and I listened to Bike and Eggshell - I was like "what ? that's the same band ?".


    So I decided to buy Incunabula, Amber and Quaristice for christmas. Fell in love with the 3 albums, discovered the rest of the discography etc etc :)

  2. Thanks ! The pictures look lovely.

    I'm kinda tempted to get my copy from blerp to get the yellow "opn" sticker as well !


    Also from the Bleep photos we have a vinyl tracklisting :


    Side A : Intro / Ezra / ECCOJAMC1 / Sticky Drama

    Side B : SDLK / Mutant Standard

    Side C : Child of Rage / Animals / I Bite Through It

    Side D : Freaky Eyes / Lift / No Good


    (side B is already a favorite :music: )


    In fact the sound system I played the SB on sounded about 2 x as good as the actual sound at the Mezzanine in SF.

    That's kind of funny, when you think about it lol.


    If you dj'ed some of the tracks, I assume you've started slicing some of the sets up into separate tracks?


    I'm going to start on that this weekend. It will be hard though because the mixing in/out of the "tracks" is part of the magic. It will be hard for me to decide where to start...



    And here comes the obligatory : "AE_LIVE (WATMM Tracklisting)" thread :emotawesomepm9:

  4. I bite through it > freaky eyes > lift > no good


    Best 4-track sequence ever?


    Well, to me the problem is that I Bite Through It > Freaky Eyes is such a PERFECT combo that Lift > No Good just leave me kind of unimpressed (or at least, I can't really sink in those tracks).


    I have the same problem with Mutant Standard and Child of Rage...Mutant Standard is such a BEAST that I feel like I can't properly enjoy Child of Rage, which is a shame !

  5. I'm surprised Bleep/Warp haven't digitally released this yet; this is an excellent release but I'm finding repeated listens is creating some definite fatigue (similar to R+7, unlike some of OPN's earlier albums which I could almost listen to on repeat indefinitely). Certainly will go back to it but it'll probably be well and truly out of something I'll listen to daily by the time it's officially out (and given the potential mastering differences pointed out a few pages back - shame).


    edit: surprised because I'm sure they've released stuff early when things have been leaked before, haven't they?

    Yeah they did it with Exai, and I'm surprised they did not released the digital files of GOD as well...
  6. interesting, sounds quite cut up. did you do that manually or with max / something similar?


    Thanks :)

    Well the first part was done in Audacity only, then I sampled the drums from the track and played the sequences with an MPC. The electric piano was added in Garage Band and voila !

  7. Finally made my first "Vaporwave" track for a remix contest on reddit, pretty happy about the result. I tried to make something "different" but in the end I don't know if that's good or not.




    Anyway I'm glad I finally started something, hopefully I'll work on some more tracks soon :)

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