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A Reggae Lee Bowyer

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Everything posted by A Reggae Lee Bowyer

  1. Does there have to be "a lot going on" to be a good track? I don't think that's what makes a good track.
  2. get that off of those filthy monitors
  3. Listening party in NYC too. Now how exactly do I get invited to this shit? *dons press pass and fake mustache* I assumed that it had already happened.
  4. I ordered the vinyl. I thought that was quite reasonably priced. I paid 3x that for Radiohead's In Rainbows vinyl set.
  5. If my calculations are correct, those expenses amount to 1.60154.
  6. Hotel in Seattle seems very reasonable.
  7. So afx transforms into a ginger cat when in the studio? That is definitely possible.
  8. This is how I intend to enjoy my first listen. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yml_-Mx82wY
  9. I am so fucking excited. I don't care if this album is pushing boundries and sounding totally fresh or just revisiting old styles. It's going to be awesome no matter. I fucking love the sound that comes out of that mans head. I find it amazing that a track like 3 notes con is so instantly great despite only being 3 notes and a basic kick and snare. That intro shouldn't sound so amazing given how basic it is but it does. You know instantly from the first second that you are hearing the aphex twin sound and it's a fucking rush. Syro will be 12 more of that feeling and I can't fucking wait.
  10. It's going to be 'never gonna give you up' 12 times at different bpm. The greatest rickroll ever.
  11. Those are your expectations man. Some of us have reasonable expectations and hopes Those are not my expectations now but give it a few weeks.
  12. except TKOLs was poop i hate youHaha I remember the release too, it was great. Just personally found it to be a big letdown (no pun intended) and I'm a mega RH fan I hate you slightly less.
  13. I thought you died or something haven't seen you post forever don't watch this
  14. except TKOLs was poop i hate you
  15. I hate it when albums are announced in advance like this. As amazing as this album might be, it will never match up to the mind blowing Drukqs 2 featuring Squarepusher on bass or whatever super combo of styles you've dreamed up by the time the album drops. I remember when Radiohead released TKOL. I didn't see that shit coming at all. One day I woke up and there was a new Radiohead album. That was a fine day.
  16. I'm some kind of little fish thing that's been washed up on the beach and I'm dying. I've accepted that I'm dying and I'm not all that bothered by it but there's this crab that keeps taking little bites and trying to eat me before I'm fully dead. I'm paralysed but I can just about use my voice. I see my mum walking along the beach and have to use all of my last energy in desperation to get my final words out to her and finally when I get her attention she looks down at me and I say "mum can you get this fucking crab off of me before I'm dead". I wake up.
  17. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=smWfPhb-hZ8&feature=relmfu
  18. Im stuck watching The King Of Queens in bed because I cant muster the energy to lean over and reach the remote on the floor.
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