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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by spratters

  1. I've got two which are closely related. 1 - Tuna salad for lunch as usual and I've bought some salad from home and used a bit which has been in my work fridge since Thursday (bank holiday an' all). The stuff from my work fridge has been mixed with the newer stuff from home but it all tastes of yogurt. A strong Muller type taste. I don't want a salad that tastes like yogurt but now I fancy a yogurt and only have a small satsuma for the rest of the day. 2 - The aforementioned newer salad was found to contain a bit of rocket. I go specifically out of my way to buy bags of salad that don't contain rocket and one sneaks past all the stringent checks. Now I'm spending long times rummaging around the container in case there's an outbreak. No wonder everyone's been eating nothing but horse from the start of eternity, you can't tell the difference by just looking at it but I'm pretty sure if you're in the bagged salad business you know what is and what isn't rocket. How could they possible fuck up this badly?
  2. I got annoyed and gave up with it fairly early for pretty much the same reasons.
  3. dude, I've had the worst stomach infection of my life these last few days and I can honestly say, fuck that shit, I would rather be shot. I hope yours settles and you ace the interview regardless. Cheers dude. Hope yours sorts itself the fuck out. Interview went well from what I could tell, got back to work and fucking destroyed the toilet. Really surprised myself.
  4. I've got an interview in a couple of hours and my stomach feels like it's eating itself. It's making me jittery and nervous. I just went to the toilet but feel the need want to go again.
  5. Woah, where did you get those? Can't find them available over here. I'm willing to go global.
  6. A bit too weird. I'm trying to get my head around the noticeable triangle around the light switch though.
  7. I could never really get into Red Dead. From all the praise of it I should probably give it another go.
  8. Submotion Orchestra - Fragments - 7/10 Robert Glasper Experiment - Black Radio Recovered The Remix EP - 8/10 Grischa Lichtenberger - and IV [inertia] - 9/10
  9. I'll continue playing it for now until a time comes that it starts to bore me. ME3 was just released on PS+ so I may give that a go. Finished Outland too recently. Really good game but it could have got a bit harder I thought.
  10. I'd send the Newcastle Brown Ale back to who it came from and never speak to them again.
  11. Just started Sleeping Dogs. All it seems to be is a bit of driving and fighting. Is that it??
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