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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by spratters

  1. I took my busted headphones back and like a sap I agreed to the direct replacement. I know they'll break again. If they do, the first Philip I find is getting a kick in the balls.
  2. You want Pokemon X/Y scheduled for Fall 2013, they finally revamped their engine to take advantage of the 3DS graphic capabilities. Monter battles are also finally rendered in an attractive art style instead of 1998 2D sprites. I'm probably gonna get the White/Black 2 for now because it ends up being £10 when I buy the console as well. I am looking forward to trying out the 3D on it though. Think I'll get the Super Mario 3D with it too. It's quite surprising to see that up to now the battles haven't changed much from the originals.
  3. Bought some new earphones for the gym on Saturday. My last ones went in one ear and my Senheisers won't stay in my ear when running and sweaty. I had some cheap over-ear Philips ones a while ago which lasted a good while so I got some Philips: They cost me £30 and say all over them they are sweat proof and you clean them with water. Apart from the fact the fuckers wouldn't stay in my ears, after 3 days use at the gym the right ear has gone. I'm used to having Sennheisers but WTF?? 3 days??? And now I can't find my receipt. Fuck bags. And I'm off to the gym in the morning. I can't listen to fat people wheezing
  4. http://www.facebook.com/video/embed?video_id=491258900920469
  5. Thinking of getting a 3DSXL. It comes bundled with a Pokemon game. I'm not sure if I should go for it? Are Pokemon games just for kids? I used to have one for my original Gameboy but I was a fair bit younger then.
  6. Revisiting Outland. Got it a while ago wit PS+ and only briefly played it. It is enjoyable in a simple-minded way. Wondering it if will get too repetitive after a while? I'll carry on and find out.
  7. I didn't take the opportunity to slate the lovely new member turdburglar.
  8. It was a slate plate btw. I felt uneasy about putting sauce directly onto the slate. Had to use the bowl. Does that make me a worrying Wendy?
  9. Had this baby it France last week and thought it was worth capturing. The chips alone were tremendous, so light and fluffy. The burger was great and came with salad and hidden parma ham.
  10. Last day of snowboarding today and there's a constant flurry of heavy snow and avalanche explosions. I don't want to go home.
  11. Not so recent but it's getting me in the mood for the coming week.
  12. mail it back with a note saying that the person you bought it for already has it and ask for a refund or replacement ??? Had to open it to listen to it. Doubt they'll accept that.
  13. My package from Bleep turned up that I previously moaned about in less time than expected. Problem is, one of the albums I'm not happy with and now regret buying. The other should be cool though.
  14. That's excellent work. Loved it. It was posted on the VHS Head group on Facebook the other day but I didn't have the chance to watch. Well done six.
  15. Ordered Not Going Out box set last week when drunk so I've started from the beginning of that. 5 series set for £14. Gives a few chuckles. Very enjoyable.
  16. Mortal Kombat (PS3) - I didn't take note what version it is, if any. It's the first fighting game I've played for a few years and the first MK since one on PS1. I'm really enjoying it but can't compare to other beat em ups as I haven't played. I think I will do though if they're as enjoyable as this one.
  17. Received an order from Bleep when I got home this evening. 2 albums were missing, no paperwork or anything. I've gone onto my account on Bleep and it says Warehouse_hold. They're currently out of stock too when you go to the listing pages. So you had them when I've ordered and paid for them but now you don't have them. And I don't find this out without looking for the info. At least Boomkat tell you it's out and when to expect it. I guess I'll have to email them to get any sort of delivery estimate.
  18. I would say that software engineering would be more of the programming side of things. Computer science would probly cover more of a. overview than getting deeply programming based. I'm probably wrong though
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