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Everything posted by zlemflolia

  1. I think its rdj and if its not its someone whos really good at emulating his older style, or something similar enough to it where you could maybe imagine its a style he did but didn't release the clarity throws me off a bit as im used to only hearing these style tracks in LQ but these are very loud and low bitrate ripping
  2. I thought I read a quote that he loves it when people hate his music or something Anyway when it comes to rdj and ae, the albums I don't like at first because I don't know wtf is going on I end up loving the most. This happened with draft, confield, drukqs, etc. And now draft confield and drukqs are my all time favorite albums ever along with geogaddi. Drukqs I almost want to say is my #1 ever by far, it's just amazing.
  3. Kinda cool but not feeling it Not even steinvord level (this is ignoring the real possibility that rdj makes these fake "fake" tracks at a lower quality than his release ones)
  4. lol lol lol such a good representation of my argument
  5. So saying to not be overzealous about this is offensive to the rights of men. They have had their rights trampled on since the beginning of time and nobody acknowledges it. Even now we focus on women's issues even though the issues facing men are a million fucking times worse throughout the world. Let's be fucking realistic, they always have been. Drafted into war vs being oppressed and forced into the role of a homemaker with an apron, what would any non-retarded human being choose? People are just emotional when it comes to women so they focus more on their issues and ignore men's
  6. They just apply these double standards and it's sickening "Oh those men are in jail, it doesn't matter if they get raped - they deserve it for their crimes, it's just part of the punishment. Don't drop the soap LOL" But would they agree with someone saying "Oh well we should mix men and women's prisons and let the men rape the female inmates! It doesn't matter when criminals are raped! Don't drop the soap women LOL" Fuck no they wouldn't. Because it's fucking disgusting and atrocious and horrible. But men are the punching bags of society for those things - they have always been sent to war and their deaths have never meant much in comparison to those of women. Men who don't shield nearby women from assault are ridiculed as pathetic wimps. Women who don't shield nearby men are just women
  7. I fully apply that empathy to female victims but I am simply sick of the lack of empathy for male victims of, well, everything. High workplace mortality rates, suicide rates, assault victimization rates, low life expectancy compared to women (biological admittedly) None of this is ever acknowledged. In the US we have a Violence Against Women Act despite the fact that men are, what, like 10+ times as likely to be the victims of all forms of assault? When is this ever acknowledged? Why wasn't it named the Violence Against People Act? Oh yeah, because everyone cares so much more when women are the victims of absolutely anything Watch this video. Yeah it's anecdotal but we all know it's accurate Man pushing his girlfriend around - people get fucking angry and someone even comes up and yells at him to stop Woman pushing her boyfriend around (even more violently than he was touching her I might add) - people literally sit there and snicker and laugh It is absolutely fucking ridiculous to assert that men are the oppressors, and women are the oppressed within western society.
  8. And let's pretend like I am trying to delegitimize female rape victims. In fact let's pretend like I support rape and I want it to happen to every woman, every day of the week, multiple times This does not affect the truth of what I am saying in any way if so.
  9. "Women don't matter to society, that's why nobody cares about it when they're raped!" -No, look men are raped just as much if not more and society cares even less! "Rape of women isn't cared about because women are supposed to be powerless and men are supposed to be empowered by patriarchy" -No, men are cared about less when they are raped. They are ridiculed nearly across the board I'm just sick of feminists saying "rape is horrible and I want to work towards stopping it" then completely ignoring the existence of male victims of rape, especially when a woman did the raping. "Women are the oppressed sex that is why when they are raped nobody cares" makes no sense if you take into account the fact that men are cared about even less (if at all) when they are raped. That is the issue People in this very thread laugh at the idea that men can be raped, that is the issue.
  10. Unfortunately tone is usually more important than content. People are adversarial by nature, and often find themselves arguing positions they don't believe in, just because the situation is framed as a competition. When people are arguing, they want to win, not find the truth. This is heightened when the argument falls across political groups, or racial groups, or gender. So, if you actually want to make people take certain issues more seriously, like prison rape for instance, you shouldn't frame it as a competition. Tone does matter. I do try to see beyond that though, and I did address your arguments, not your tone. I mentioned your tone only as advice for how you could make yourself more convincing to people. Everything else I said was specifically about your arguments. Also, if you build up a terrible reputation, people won't want to be associated with you. so Zeff, I don't have faith in your thoughts on rape I do think prison rape is not taken seriously enough, either because it's funny (prison rape jokes can be pretty funny), or because we write off criminals because of their crimes, or we feel less empathy towards male victims in certain situations, or some combination of these elements. Also men can be the victims of rape outside of prison, obviously, and since they are the the archetypal rape victims, they might face some unique challenges, like feeling their experience is completely invisible. But again, here's an example how tone and framing a conversation matters. Why should taking rape of men seriously be at odds with taking rape against women seriously. If a conversation gets into a competition of which group gets raped more, or worse, then it's already a train wreck. There's no personal victory if your gender happens to get raped more than the other gender. You're about the only one having a reasonable discussion in this thread Rape of males is downplayed by hardcore feminists because it is at odds with their "rape culture as evidence of female oppression etc" viewpoint where females are constantly raped and rape of females is acceptable, and this is evidence of patriarchy (or whatever their current stance is). They can't admit the reality is that males are raped in similar numbers, if not more often than females (despite it being in prison) because it directly contradicts the conclusions they try to draw from the data (oppression of women) They say the numbers on rape are downplayed since many female victims don't want to come out and I believe that, but it's irrational to not agree that it is even harder for males to come out, especially if they were raped by another male. The only rape culture is that of the rape of males being completely ignored by society.
  11. so Zeff, I don't have faith in your thoughts on rape Prison rape
  12. Hilarious how people ignore anything written with a slightly offputting tone even though the arguments themselves are well founded in fact Who gives a fuck about tone, address the arguments not the arguer. It literally does not matter at all what other threads I have made or what my personal opinions on the topic are - all that matters is the evidence/arguments presented. View each post made by everyone in a discussion as anonymous and unrelated to all other posts or you are implicitly ad hominem'ing
  13. I agree, my zeal is well founded - we go by the principle of innocent until proven guilty (in all moderately civilized countries) yet this seems to be the one area where that is ignored. And why? To avoid people not coming out apparently Completely unreasonable given that if this existence of false accusations were acknowledged and more thoroughly understood by courts and the media, women with legitimate strong cases that they were raped would most likely actually be more trusted than before given the fact that the false accusations are more often accounted for and easily differentiable from the real accusations. The lack of acknowledgement for the provably false cases leads to disease in the minds of those aware of it and a general lack of trust in accusations due to the nagging feeling of "Hey maybe this is the same as when my fucking friend got accused and went to jail for 5 years then she confessed it was fake" "It is better that ten guilty persons escape than that one innocent suffer" -Blackstone All civilized courts are founded on this principle, let's apply it to rape accusations too.
  14. Umm lol...i forgot WATMM had an MRA subset. p.s. You forgot to play the 'rape-allegations-can-just-be-dismissed-as-buyer's-remorse' card Calling something a "card", whatever that is, does not mean it's false in all cases. but what if I call it a "false card" Shit, then u win
  15. Umm lol...i forgot WATMM had an MRA subset. p.s. You forgot to play the 'rape-allegations-can-just-be-dismissed-as-buyer's-remorse' card Calling something a "card", whatever that is, does not mean it's false in all cases.
  16. This is the issue People claim rape is downplayed by the media but it's the one place where a man's life can be completely ruined due to an admittedly false accusation -Woman accuses a man of raping her when he didn't => Man's wife leaves him => Man forced to resign from his position (if it's political or at all a high profile position) => Man forced to endure ridicule in the media (if he's a famous person) and have his reputation ruined Then the woman comes and says "I was wrong he didn't rape me I just wanted an excuse for my boyfriend" And the media goes silent or says "Well I bet he raped other people too so fuck him" Name ONE other crime that results in similar consequences for the falsely accused. Edit: Oh yeah and it's completely gender biased. What happens when women rape men? Or even young boys? Oh yeah, teenagers get forced to pay child support for their rapist's baby.
  17. why not? Because every man is a rapist until he proves he's not
  18. Good that you added allegedly He's rich and women have motivation to falsely accuse him, either to extract money from him or for attention.
  19. Has the title always been mis-spelled or was it recently changed
  20. Syro has a bad good habit of getting melodies stuck in my head that aren't even in any tracks and upon going back to look for them I can't find them
  21. holy shit syrobonkus holy reminds me of that ae track with crying robots but way way way better
  22. Finally listened to it all the way through holy shit this is amazing. still need to digest so far produk29 is standing out as my favorite along with syrobonkus mix
  23. It is absolutely unparalleled There is not a single AE release I don't like. There are some I don't love, like maybe We R Are Why, but they are all top notch otherwise As for Quaristice, I think I prefer versions over the original album. IO (mons) is one of my favorite AE tracks of all time, mainly the second half. it's unbeatable
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