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Everything posted by sheatheman

  1. Drop that sax by like 30 cents and you will be shimmering
  2. The thing that strikes me is that somewhere there is a person who, upon that video's completion, kicked back with a glass of spritzer and thought "Job well done," and then drifted off to Seinfeld reruns.
  3. the fake videogame music is happening as we speak. That song is totally XM Chill Material. The cafe I go to usually plays XM Chill which is preferable to just about anything else that could possibly be playing in a most places.
  4. That is the deepest thing I've seen in this thread. I am experiencing such a mix of emotions looking at it. Part of me is like "What the hell is wrong with you?" But the antecedent to that is a mixture of "Why would you get plastic surgery/why are your cheeks/chin so freaking huge?"
  5. sheatheman


    I agree with a lot of your general sentiments about how it's a problem that currency is inevitably twisted into being an end unto itself, rather than about exchange. The prevalence of the idea that the quantification of value is something that can be separated from the thing that embodies it has distorted our perception to such a degree, that most of us don't feel empowered to even use our own sense of judgement. However, going back to the more practical usage of Bitcoin - there was an article posted earlier in this thread about how for large sections of the world's population, it is very difficult for them to buy and sell goods on the internet. Under the current dominant payment methods, the big credit companies simply do not want to deal with allowing credit cards for people in impoverished nations. So Bitcoin could empower billions of people by opening up Internet trade to them. Before I extricate myself, I'll just say that while I absolutely believe it is madness, if it can create more good for more people, then I have to give it some merit. I'm 100% for those kids that reside in those impoverished places and would give them $200 right now if I could. Hahaha. You just have to help where you are. After my wife and I get more established, we want to be foster parents to lots of children. You have to fight corruption and strive for truth, and if you can show children what real things are, maybe the future will be mitigated.
  6. sheatheman


    What bothers me most is that bitcoin is a further iteration of the mentality of in-app purchases and the like. Also, at the moment it seems to favor people with a room full of dual Radeon R-9 machines, so in a way it favors those who are already at an advantage.
  7. sheatheman


    I get it. I'm not referring to the cryptography aspect, I'm referring to how bitcoins are mined which is independent of them being exchanged. Bitcoin does much more than show we don't need bankers anymore. Besides, where do you think those transaction fees, however small, go? It's the same thing. In 50 years, if Bitcoin gains momentum (the horror), there will be the need for a new system, because it will absolutely become corrupt just like banking is now.
  8. sheatheman


    I politely invite you to learn more about bitcoin. It's really nothing like ping pong balls and there is huge value in a computer solving an extremely complex set of equations. I'll let you decide for yourself whether you want to investigate more, but in short: - it's not like pingpong balls, because BTC can change hands instantly across the globe (or even outside our planet) with zero danger of falsification, plus they are more practical physically. - these solved equations are in fact used to sign transactions, which makes the system completely decentralized - that means no need for a "bank", or some other "trustworthy" authority. I have read several articles and watched the documentary. I understood it within the first 5 minutes--it's not a hard thing to grasp if you grew up playing video games. The only positive thing about it is that it is secure and decentralized. I understand the cryptographical aspect. I understand everything about it. What's bad is that it is literally the same thing as mining world of war craft gold, except you use it in real life. The idea that our society is at that point is mind blowing. I shouldn't be talking in here because I'm arguing more against the very idea of currency and not bitcoin alone. Bitcoin has just made me realize how psychologically and spiritually schewed global society is.
  9. Yeah, "Donovan Hikaru" is one of my aliases (a project just for fun). Thanks man (: It's super fun to make this stuff. Your ambient work was nice as well... Confused by your Soundcloud- are you florescent grey or is that the name of the electronic compilation you "plundered"? (: "On his latest, Donavan Hikaru has brought sidechaining to Vaporwave in a HUGE way. What's next for this trailblazing everyman?"
  10. What instrument is that at 8:35, it plays those 2 fourths. Celeste? I love the way that sounds recorded on old tape. Mmm
  11. aha oh shit i had to watch that in junior high english class HOOOOOO!!! I REMEMBER THIS! Before I ever found out about BoC, I sort of filed imagery likes this away in a folder, also in that folder were pictures of my dad and grandfather playing tennis in the 70s, airports, this educational film about "The Chip," and some of the videos I watched in driver's ed. Then I heard Everything You Do Is A Balloon and all of that imagery and more was suddenly sucked together and it flashed in my mind and I had to pull the car over almost and cry. Then I went home and looked the song up and sure enough, someone had put it to 70's home movie footage.
  12. sheatheman


    now come on man without gold you wouldn't be able to make Goldschläger - what else are post apocalyptic middle class college kids gonna get drunk on at their post apocalyptic college kid parties? hahaha From a very utilitarian standpoint, something with value will enable or promote a measure of the following two effects: Survival and/or Happiness. If everyone contributed to society equally, there would be no need for currency. Everything would be free. But because it is impossible that everyone would work and end up doing an equal value of labor every day (for instance, if one person harvested enough wheat for one loaf of bread and another made the loaf, those two people could be entitled to split the loaf [really simplified obviously]), currency exists to assign value to labor. The currency is not what gains someone access to actual goods/services — It is your work that does that — the currency just ensures that someone who has done twice the work as someone else would be entitled to twice the benefits. That means that labor is essentially traded for labor. This is because everyone is specialized today, more than ever. If one person possessed all the skills to subsist, then the benefits of there labor would not have to transfer out. So, my final point is, what value is there in a computer solving an extremely complex set of equations? What value is there in the number of bytes that make up a bitcoin? If I went out and hid 21 million ping pong balls in rural Nebraska and started PPB currency, would there be any more value in those than the ones you buy from Academy? Just because something takes time does not mean there is value in it. It's just like people who pay $37k for a bag of Madonna's poop. Sure, there are a complex set of obstacles you had to traverse to get it, but that doesn't give it value.
  13. sheatheman


    Notice how I had the "based on gold" in "quotations." That was the idea originally, which makes sense. Bitcoin makes no sense, or rather it is the perfect expression of how the things global culture values highest are absolutely worthless. We aren't all good because it says something that we allow currency to degenerate into an even more worthless form. The meaning is all gone. All of the actual substantive labor has been boxed and boxed within shadows of shadows. There is transcendent meaning in interfacing with real molecules. Slowly global culture is losing meaning. Look in your backyard, if you are lucky enough to have one. Do you have any idea what it is for? I know these things because I lived in a forest.
  14. sheatheman


    Remember 15 years ago how everyone loved Google? It was so simple, delivered the best results, and obviously, the main reason people used it was because "Google" just sounds more fun. All of the techoptimists were losing it over how great Google was. And look at it now. Google has turned into the dark corporation that it set itself against, just like Apple. And a lot of these really terrible changes have just started to happen. Fast forward 5 years. It will be a nightmare. People keep creating things with good intentions, but they will always become corrupt eventually.
  15. sheatheman


    I once had an idea about what things are of actual, universal value, and what things we simply apply value to because we can make money off of it. Cutting firewood for instance, actually using your body to labor. Survival. I love how Diablo 2 convinced people to pay real dollars for things that have no value. It has spiraled out of control since. Money has value because it is "based on gold" which has to be sought through searching and labor. Don't people realize that putting value on something that isn't worth the hard drive it is burned on will slowly build to a catastrophe? It is looming already, and all of these organizations like fight the future are so pro bitcoin, like it can stabilize globalization/end human trafficking/ensure fair prices for coffee farmers, but trust me, it will be CATASTROPHIC. I am going to retreat into the forest with my family while the world government/corp(s) start raiding people's bitcoin rooms and literally shooting them between the eyes, no questions asked.
  16. he just doesn't get it man, this shit's real It's just funny because that is the only comment and they have a tina turner avatar. Someone who has no context at all stumbling on it in search of the regular version, it's a beautiful thing.
  17. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v8G1HsmqWUs I was writing in Whataburger last night at 3:30 am, lots of crazy stuff happened, but then this song came on. From the comments (LOL)
  18. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4qK5YYcTUkY http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GtSQzW2Ff5g
  19. Of course that is there and is interesting, but those are connections being made by "writers." Most of the stuff I like wasn't made with the intention of making music that can be classified as vaporwave and thus some how topple big corps. If there is going to be a narrative, there should be many, not just antiglobalism. Absolutely, For me, call it vaporwave, experimental, ambient, dreamy electronica, weird retro stuff, ironic elevator muzak lol whatever... example- this: http://disconscious.bandcamp.com/album/hologram-plaza it's the sound, mood, feel, atmosphere, art that primarily captures me- not whatever political/social statement or categorization that it might be saying. I will say, that there is something that pulls me in the direction of the whole cold, vacant, corporate schmaltz wrapped in a warped, eerie, but some how comfy vibe. when you can't tell what era it's from, that's what i like. because it takes away the attachments in my mind when im listening. i think many of these artists have properly executed that aspect of their productions whether it's sample-based or composed, i don't really care.. but they've managed to do something i find interesting, and I think it speaks to many people that are discovering it. Yeah I like that Hologram Plaza.
  20. Lots of the press about vaporwave is just a few skeletal fragments of what is in my head about it. Makes me feel reassured that people have only co-opted the easiest elements, all of that made-up capitalism commentary. Of course that is there for some people, but it's much more about the relationship between hoped-for/actual realities to me, or an exploration of how unfulfilled dreams are still out there. I really question this statement from a vice article: Of course that is there and is interesting, but those are connections being made by "writers." Most of the stuff I like wasn't made with the intention of making music that can be classified as vaporwave and thus some how topple big corps. If there is going to be a narrative, there should be many, not just antiglobalism.
  21. Replica is kind of a bad comparison. What about 18 Carat Affair--has not been discussed at all. It's kind of an interesting area where there is a bleed-over into Jacob 2-2 and Com Truise and all of that sort of iso50-step music.
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