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Everything posted by sheatheman

  1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rJ5ID1KXK8E Nothing like a Spritzer after an intense game of indoor volleyball. I take mine in the form of logoz http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QhMEeqelREg&list=PL770967B1DF15C590
  2. Son, just cause you say it with a Texan accent, don't mean it ain't horseshit. When you're out on the range a cold glass of iced tea'll put the fear of God in ya. And you Yankees drink it hot. I'd like to see 'n your ilk walk for a day in our Texas towns.
  3. There is only 1 way to fully appreciate black tea, and that is in Texas over ice. Plus a 6th of a lemon.
  4. No more lonely times. Yes. Good chanel.
  5. I have been listening to Pleasure Control for months. Worth the buy for sure. http://sunuprecordings.bandcamp.com/album/pleasure-control
  6. Julien Neto - Le Fumeur de Ciel 10/10 been listening heavily since 2011... you must give this one some time
  7. Are you making it or buying it at a cafe? I prefer cream and sugar or black. I usually alternate. Use about 1 teaspoon of sugar for one cup of coffee. You could use less. Don't need too much. If you are getting a slow pour or french press, it's easier to appreciate black than a regular brew. Grind your beans.
  8. You are so late SR4. I was watching this in 2011. jk. here is a make up song http://www.junodownload.com/ultraplayer/1353514-02-01-06.m3u?r=0&c=0&s=01-06
  9. You are so late SR4. I was watching this in 2011.
  10. Doesn't that just say something about cars that isn't said anymore? That you should be washing your car with Pantene shampoo? I think you're referring to the extreme auto-fetishism on display during that time? Today's car commercials are sanitised to the point that they all look the same, the only thing distinguishing them is the manfacturer's badge at the end. Back then, advertisers went all out on making the consumer lust after vehicles - aspirational beasts that allowed you to feel like you were sending a middle finger to all the other drivers on the road while driving one. On a slight tangent, I recall petroleum/oil companies doing similar stuff - Esso, Castrol... heavily overproduced commercials which managed to glamorize the very dullest of commodoties - stuff that makes your car run. I'll have to see if I can pull up some examples - if my childhood memory serves me well enough, I think there's some faint vapor touches in those old ads. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vy8FTEmmjpQ The end kind of...
  11. “You must not know too much or be too precise or scientific about birds and trees and flowers and watercraft; a certain free-margin , or even vagueness - ignorance, credulity - helps your enjoyment of these things.” -Whitman Re: Creativity vs Knowledge
  12. iphone full of corrupt other data (17gb). use primarily for making tracks. scared to fix due to shaky state of transferring app data. can and will back up with 3rd party software. still scary.
  13. I think all of us should read Paradise Lost before we listen to Ghettoville. Where RIP was witnessing the loss of paradise, Ghettoville will be depictions of the aftermath and also perhaps a tome of stratagems.
  14. Ooh i like where youre going with that. Ive actually been going into old snippets of tracks I made on Reason that I haven't done anything with & slowing down the tempo, and adding a lot of reverb and rolling off the highs, and some sound very cool. There's one that's this cheesy thing I did with a muted guitar sample that keeps repeating, a hokey 909ish beat and these ridiculous samples of girls moaning- some free Reason library someone gave me back in 2003 that includes sex sounds... The samples sound like an absurd mix of payper view Spice channel from 1994, anime porn sounds, and 80s cinemax softcore lol... Anyway, after i slowed down the beat and tweaked it, it sounded like a cross between some release off the Fortune 500 label- maybe Global Market, Arabic/Greek dance tv from 96 and a lo-fi Diplo track... Hmmm maybe ill Donovan Hikaru-fy it (: errr uhh, i mean maybe Donovan will bless the track and release it to the world (: Instead of slowing down the tempo I export and slow down. Also the low pass filter. I never upload that though. The whole album idea is good.
  15. Doesn't that just say something about cars that isn't said anymore?
  16. That sky lounge and the art direction of looking out over the clouds was worth the price of admission. Weak otherwise. The clone thing has been done, etc. Still, Tom Cruise continues to satisfy considering the material he is given.
  17. Whoooooaaaaa. Nice Melancholia music choice.
  18. sheatheman


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