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Is there a plugin that lets you automate VSTs that won't MIDI learn CC changes?


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Dear Anyone.  

OK, I'm a noob, I don't know what I'm talking about, I'm just about to prove that  (before anyone else here tells me all those things!) 

I've got a bunch of VSTs - OK, freebies and demos, I'm trying to learn without blowing the bank - which make great noises - but they're totally uncontrollable because none of them do CC changes.  So as far as I know, unless you  tell me otherwise, I can't automate 'em.  (WHY do  they make VSTs that don't do CC changes!?!) 

Anyway.  Is there such a thing as a plug-in I can use as an insert effect that DOES accept MIDI CC changes to get louder and softer, so at least I can turn the sounds up and down? Of course I can on the VSTs, but they have to stay at one level the entire time because I've got no way to change them on-the-fly.  

Anyone got any ideas? It's just annoying to have all these lovely sounds I can't really use cos I can't automate them.

Yours hopefully


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there's a lot of plug ins that don't allow CC control of all the parameters or any really until you assign them to a macro knob.  

in some DAWs you can create a slider or knob that responds to midi cc and then that knob can be assigned to a parameter to automate. sometimes there's a hoop or two to jump through so you may have some trial and error of different techniques depending on what software you're using. youtube often has tutorials for things. 

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I’m pretty much all hardware, as far as sound goes, but I do use cubase for midi. I’m pretty sure that in any version after vst24 (my all time favorite program) it allows you to automate anything like a cc. Quick controls? Also- I guarantee someone has created something in max for ableton that would do this, if it can’t be done in ableton alone. 

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