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Guest sero_13

I like it. I read an interview that said he wanted to make a more accessible album to listen to, while not compromising his musical integrity (I haven't read this forum for a while so that might be jazzband, but up yours if you were thinking that).


To conclude: Hello Everything is deemed "great" by me

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I like it. I read an interview that said he wanted to make a more accessible album to listen to, while not compromising his musical integrity


Yeah I heard that too. I can see where he's coming from, it is very like that in a way that is why I found it strange at first and tried to put my finger on it. Maybe he'll gain a better reputation by this one (possibly bad thing). I mean I was surprised that he was at the electric proms.

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i always loved squarepusher music but i cannot stand his latest lp, for someone like me who listens to his tunes since hard normal daddy, this record is like Stop Me If You Think You've Heard This One Before indeed i think i've heard all these tunes before & i think he's ripping his own tracks. this record makes me think of an old dirty review "its brillant & original" ...sadly the brillant bits are not original (is it a beep street cover?) & the original bits are not brillant at all.



Well, I could paralell this album with "Come to daddy". It more comercial,

like, for different sorts of audiences, the album that will become

more frequent reference to sqp, no matter how good some other albums of his are....


Nothing original since HND?!... no.

He has done since hnd very much indeed, but I think it

goes over the stuff you are referencing to when you listen to sqp.

Some people see the beauty in avantgarde soundscapes, noise-making , atonal


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  • 6 months later...
  • 1 month later...

i'm sorry. my accusation of noobishness rings true to this day.


this album has great melodies all through it. great drums. complex arrangements.


and it has three awesome tracks: modern bass guitar, welcome to europe, planetarium.


& the other tracks are worthy too.


modern bass guitar is one of his finest.


if you dismiss those tracks as sub-par i'm sorry something is wrong with yr head!

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest AOOproductions

I really like HE. It's super fun. I love some songs on Ultravistor, but after like 50 minutes I have had enough. The Title track is the tits though. True it's nothing near Hard Normal Daddy or Big Loada but it's still cool.

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Guest Dr. Elemeno von Hat X: PhD

i did it by accident, too. i meant that post for the namealike thread.

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i think it's amazing, fresh, beauty . compared to ultravisitor which had a small handfull of mind blowing tracks this album has a lot of really good tracks.


is it just me or do you think that tom has a woman in his life? it makes sense. the clean image. the bright cover. the sound of the tracks etc.

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Guest Dirty Protest
I like it. I read an interview that said he wanted to make a more accessible album to listen to, while not compromising his musical integrity


Yeah I heard that too. I can see where he's coming from, it is very like that in a way that is why I found it strange at first and tried to put my finger on it. Maybe he'll gain a better reputation by this one (possibly bad thing). I mean I was surprised that he was at the electric proms.


The Electric Proms gig was a bit off an off shoot, it was the anniversary of John Peels death and the gig he played was a tribute. The year before he sold out Koko then last week played a set in a room a few meters squared, hes massive already and not just to electronic music fans, anyone who has an interest in bass or music in general tend to like him.


The album is a fucking joy. Its good that SP and AFX have started making music to dance to again. Hard Normal Daddy and Big Loada were a long time ago, I really dont want him to be making the same album over and over again.

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Hello Everything is one if his best I'd say.

Why doesn't anyone mention Bubble Life? One of the best on the album imo.

Well, they're all good 'cept Vacuum Garden, really.

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i've been listening the album all week, it's fucking fantastic.


although I have to say I play it from track 6 (hello meow bored me). sinicalypse just has no ears, instead of comparing formulas you should be listening to the fucking thing.

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i've been listening the album all week, it's fucking fantastic.


although I have to say I play it from track 6 (hello meow bored me). sinicalypse just has no ears, instead of comparing formulas you should be listening to the fucking thing.


so what about tracks 2-5?

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Guest AOOproductions
i've been listening the album all week, it's fucking fantastic.


although I have to say I play it from track 6 (hello meow bored me). sinicalypse just has no ears, instead of comparing formulas you should be listening to the fucking thing.


so what about tracks 2-5?


Hello Meow has bored me too. It's just not that original and after a while it becomes annoying and clingy, although the bass breakdown in the middle is pretty rad. So I can understand where GORDO is coming from, the first 5 tracks are kinda monotonous in my opinion. Bubble life is good, but it's really takes a minutes before it gets into the main bass line and synths, and then it's over before you know it. And vacuum garden obviously sucks. Planetarium is super duper as far as ear candy goes, but whenever I listen to it I crave for something a little more spastic and just end up putting on Ziggomatic v17. The tracks post 5 are more original and capture what I like about Ultravistor and the melodies tom is so good at. Modern Bass Guitar is soooo soooo good.

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The Modern Bass Guitar pwns every other tracks from Hello Everything, although that album is very good overall.

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