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stilton cheese

Fred McGriff

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Get a blue called "Constant Bliss" from a farm up in Vermont, all of the local cheese shops here in New England, well at least the fancy ones, will carry it. It's a shit name but they sell it in these little bells that just makes me want to pinch my nipples they taste so good.

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wax on, wax off


i got me a big slap of irish camembert yeah i know

fucking good. crisps/melts nicely under a grill. had a sandwich wth dijon mustard and ham and it did the trick.

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  • 2 months later...

i beat gorgonzola piccante lately - there was a french market on and whatever fungus infected the roquefort there actually had a sweet taste. and the cheese was fuckin ruined, falling apart with blue. delicious


i got some normandy sheep cheese as well, looked like brie but had this amazing bitter aftertaste that lasted for hours, it was hardcore


actually trying to source some casu marzu at the moment. i have a cheese connection

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it takes about a year before you can say for sure you have a gut full o maggots


i'm planning on getting some imported. that's usually without the maggots.

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i know. i have a strong desire to try a maggot cheese. i don't think it's likely in canada though.


anyway, if you do get some, please post about it on watmm, i am horribly curious. wikipedia does not suffice.

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  • 4 months later...

can i just say, ive always loved cheese as a kid, and now im trying to enjoy the gourmet side.


today i bought a really nice bottle of malbec, so im pairing it with some brie and roquefort. are my choices good? the roquefort smelled fucking amazing, which is why i bought it.

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malbec is a decent wine for roqeufort. honestly it's really hard to find a wine to go with roquefort. supposedly you need a sweet wine to go with it but i think a malbec or a shiraz would be pretty good. chances are the roquefort will overpower both the wine and the brie so i would enjoy those for a bit first before digging into the roquefort. if you have an apple you might want to get a few slices of that to go with the roquefort. goddammit now i want some blue cheese, asshole.

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got some aged gouda the other day. fucking ridiculous. i love a good bleu, had a sheep's-milk bleu a while ago that was awesome. pretty sure i've been into all the sheep's-milk cheeses i've had so far.


good times

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