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Guest Soothsayer

Yet you found the strength to come in the dubstep thread to bitch...you know, being ornery is one thing, as long as it doesn't make you stupid. You're towing the line...


edit: It would be a lot like me, imagining you looking like Simon Cowell, playing with your nipples constantly and berating everything just to make your own life feel just a little bit safer/nicer...

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no, it makes no sense to me why there is a dubstep thread, which is practically the psytrance of today, on watmm


but yea, im rubbing my nipples and i feel better now

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Guest Soothsayer

and we have yet another shock insult from beneboi!!!


*in Hubie Brown voice* "See, now this was very telling! It shows you the inexperience of beneboi. He's managed to completely ignore the drum'n'bass genre just to try to get some attention by comparing a popular genre in electronic music to psytrance! This is going to hurt his team greatly in the 2nd half when they'll need that transition defense and beneboi will be stuck on the bench masturbating to Aphex Twin's "I Care Because You Do" trying to tell himself that he(beneboi, not Aphex, mind you, who is smart enough to see dubstep for what it is and not try to insult it for credibility) will be relevant again...such a shame!"

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i didnt insult anything, thats just my opinion, but obviously im pushing some buttons here


dubstep = generic "dark" music for the masses


edit: 32 pages

Edited by beneboi
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i didnt insult anything, thats just my opinion, but obviously im pushing some buttons here


dubstep = generic "dark" music for the masses


edit: 32 pages


just curious because you didnt respond but how do you go out and see electronic music shows if you havent been to a club in years?

do you only go to 'underground' warehouse parties or are just non interested in going to these types of events?


and whats wrong with being into generic dark music for the masses?

Edited by Ghostbusters III
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Guest Soothsayer



I find it hilarious that you try to project such earnestness in the YLC forum but will then pull a 180 and post such incredibly contridicting shit such as claiming you're not insulting anything and then immediately following with this...


"dubstep = generic "dark" music for the masses"


Or do you just want me to follow you up to your job and slap the dick out of your mouth?


edit: And keep on going with your little self-satisfying potshots...I know you have nothing better to do so this thread will probably get to 40 pages of just you!!

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hey there is a dubstep night in san diego.


that is how you know dubstep is really popular.


im going to start a dubstep project just so i can get some nice kinky side pussy from some stupid coked out club broads.

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i haven't been to a club in almost a year, so i really wouldnt know what you scallywags are doing in there.


so essentially you haven't been to any large(er) electronic shows in over a year? a better question would be what the hell are you doing on this forum? do you just enjoy electronic music from the comfort of the internet?






i lived in buttfuck nowhere with extremely limited electronic music access until i found this forum. so fucking rights i was on here to enjoy electronic music from the comfort of the internet because talking to backassward hicks about electronic music isn't very fruitful. suck a cock. i'm not driving thousands of km's so i'm not 'just enjoy[ing] electronic music from the comfort of the internet"/

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Guest Cosmic Jet Robot

I feel the pain of living in a small town.


Yet this year I will be going to Shambhala @ the Salmo River Ranch in B.C>


Not great for brain music, but cool DJ / Electronic acts will be found I am sure.


I made it a point to get out more than I do..... SO far it's working.





Dubstep is pretty bad, I mean I found some good stuff, but overall, errrreuuughhh...... (Just my opinion!)

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i've been to shambhala numerous times, it's pretty cool, but lots of hippies. they had legion of green men one year and that was amazing. i grew up near there also.


and i will stop hijacking this thread.

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Guest Jimbob
Dubstep is pretty bad, I mean I found some good stuff, but overall, errrreuuughhh...... (Just my opinion!)

You could say this about most genres though couldn't you really? There's a lot of gold and a lot of shite.

I think you could really apply this to anything

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ok, jeez, im not taking potshots at anything, this is how i joke. i dislike a great quantity of most music, so dubstep is no exception, however i have found little redeeming (to my taste) quality in almost 90% of what i have heard. i have given it a chance and yes i have heard it on large systems. I was exaggerating when i said i hadnt been to a club in a year, but it seems like its been atleast that long since i have looked forward to going to a venue to hear live music. if you feel like you have some recommendations that i might like feel free to link me and i will listen to them.


i dont suck dicks in YLC, infact I attempt to point out what I dont like and make suggestions. i avoid posting replies to music that i dislike because i feel ylc is a place that people come to share something they have made and i dont want to actually hurt peoples feelings with my idiocy.

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hey come on now guys, i too kinda feel that dubstep is a horribly derivative fad music on par with 'new rave' and other easy crap, but that DOES NOT MEAN that this thread shouldn't be a haven for those who enjoy dubstep.


i don't go into the news thread or the now playing thread and derail them just to express my perfectly valid and poignantly delivered opinions on whatever.





and you should respect this thread as it serves as a subforum for this crap instead of a million little threads about it.

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Guest terminal duck
i dont really consider dubstep shows an event that I would want to go to, i shudder to think of american dubstep fans



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Guest zaphod

judging by that video up there dupstep shows are pretty shit. bunch of self conscious geeks who don't want to dance listening to crappy music.


and i live in a city and don't go to shows. they just don't really happen on this part of the east coast.

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all your trolls are belong to us!


chill out Beneboi and go to a dub assembly night, they are at bars and there are no glow sticks....


just heavy herb smoking and heavy fucking bass that vibrates lady genitalia.....


and makes them go crazy!


and there is actually some good programming in the music to where it is almost exactly like electronic music in style, just with fatter bass lines.........


here, enjoy some Distance:::::::::::::::!

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Guest grinningcat

Just wanted to say how at bangface weekender there were groups of people literally going round and 'singing' the bassline to night by benga +coki...


Like 5am in the morning when your trying to sleep a group of people walking past going "do do do do do do - dooo dooo doo doo dooooooooo!"


or when your standing at the bar ordering a drink something doing that in your ear


great tune, luke vibert was the only one to play it though during his ragga twins set if i remember

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