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new RDJ interview

Fred McGriff

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-Also it looks like Chris stopped writing amazon toy reviews in his lunch break

- Yeah he also stopped showing up to work stoned with breakfast burritos. Connection.




Hahahah :) do some more amazon fkery

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Guest feta lol


hey richard. ya, liked the cheesecake you sent me. ya ya... WHAT?! it's really "I EAT"?? it's neither night or heat>? everyone is dumb shits and have been argueing two crap theories for years?


when i eat people, when i eat.



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Guest I'm Too Cool To Have An Avat

You can see some of his gut pimples poking through his shirt like erect nipples.

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It's both heat and night simultaneously. To quote my friends at wikipedia:

Quantum superposition is the application of the superposition principle to quantum mechanics. The superposition principle is the addition of the amplitudes of waves from interference. In quantum mechanics it is the amplitudes of wavefunctions, or state vectors, that add. It occurs when an object simultaneously "possesses" two or more values for an observable quantity (e.g. the position or energy of a particle).

More specifically, in quantum mechanics, any observable quantity corresponds to an eigenstate of a Hermitian linear operator. The linear combination of two or more eigenstates results in quantum superposition of two or more values of the quantity. If the quantity is measured, the projection postulate states that the state will be randomly collapsed onto one of the values in the superposition (with a probability proportional to the square of the amplitude of that eigenstate in the linear combination).

The question naturally arose as to why "real" (macroscopic, Newtonian) objects and events do not seem to display quantum mechanical features such as superposition. In 1935, Erwin Schrödinger devised a well-known thought experiment, now known as Schrödinger's cat, which highlighted the dissonance between quantum mechanics and Newtonian physics.

In fact, quantum superposition does result in many directly observable effects, such as interference peaks from an electron wave in a double-slit experiment.

If two observables correspond to non-commuting operators, they obey an uncertainty principle and a distinct state of one observable corresponds to a superposition of many states for the other observable.

  • Farnsworth 1
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Guest IdironBoomtracks


Emporer Funk! foggoty BoC fans upon the horizon!



kill them all. give no quarter. leave the women and children.



but they're ALL women and children!



OK, fuck what i just said. massacre 'em LOL

Edited by IdironBoomtracks
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attn. Daft Punk: we and our jet-fueled laz0r 808 challenge you to a mime contest. here are the rules:



2) no subtitles or dubbing of the linguistic variety

3) jet-fueled laz0r 808 soundtrack allowed, BUT

4) you may only use samples of < 0.4 secs. AND

5) each sample must be repeated at least four times in a row

6) first one to get their partner to guess the celebrity wins a roll & extra turn

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Guest zaphod




"s'actually night, not heat."



no way. no way. no how. spent too much time in this dive contemplating vodkas and my own stylishly nihilistic existence for this negro to tell me i'm wrong. he's over there yammering on about detroit techno and i'm sitting here suffering. suffering because one selfish son of a bitch can't enunciate worth a good goddamn and i have to be the one to crack this code. i could fly up the best linguist in the world, get 'em working long hours, night and day even, and i still wouldn't have answers. you left me with no hope and no way out, just that worthless grin of yours and a one way tick-


"it's niheat."



i look up, past the blonde and across the room, outside. of all the gin joints...he had to stroll into mine. but wait. what the fuck did he say? night. or heat? what did you say you ginger motherfucker? can you hear me inside this internal monologue? WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU SAY?




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got kids that listen to "techno" music, a new

age music from england made by robots?

then they are doing drugs, and need to be killed




this is the best friggin thread ever


this devours the living soul of that internets thing we had going

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