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Pete Standing Alone


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yet another fan video. nothing terribly new or innovative, but it was fun to make. the end cuts off for some reason, but i'm too lazy to re-upload it. comments welcome.


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Guest Archrival

"fucking relax man, it's just a band."


Just a band that makes lol alzado have fun on his spare time making yet another plain fan video that has nothing new or innovative in it


and is just another boring and generic fan video, but hey! lol alzado had fun making it :D thats what counts innit?

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it IS just a band. just a band that I happen to love, but a band after all.



anyway, thanks for taking the time to add yet another helpful comment to this forum.

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i'm not really sure why i would start a thread to post a video that already exists and everyone already knows about or why that would impress you. but hey, sorry to disappoint you.

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Guest Archrival

mosca, are you serious? do you know how much the stalker Lol Alzado has harrassed me? If he could just leave me alone, then I would be more than glad..:D



and that video is very boring and actually not good at all.


Like Joyrex said it would have made more sense if it was footage from the documentary about Pete...that would have been nice, this is not pretty....

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Like Joyrex said it would have made more sense if it was footage from the documentary about Pete...that would have been nice, this is not pretty....

it would have made more sense if i took obvious footage from an obvious source and regurgitated it?



and just to point out how big of a cock you are, here's what i had to say about your macquarie ridge video

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Guest Archrival
Like Joyrex said it would have made more sense if it was footage from the documentary about Pete...that would have been nice, this is not pretty....

it would have made more sense if i took obvious footage from an obvious source and regurgitated it?



and just to point out how big of a cock you are, here's what i had to say about your macquarie ridge video



seriously!!! lol you are something else....could I add you on my msn, I would like to get to know you and see whats behind the sad character of "lol alzado"...send me a pm with your e-mail please!!!!!!!!!!!!


tell me about your life lately, whats up? I can feel all that negative energy flowing all the way to where im at, its sad. :/

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That's it! I've had it with you two! Archrival, we're not going to the character breakfast. Alzado, no teacups. I don't care if Mr and Mrs McGriff let Fred go on the teacups three times in a row. Archrival, you should have thought about how sad Sleeping Beauty would be before you mouthed off at your brother. And if I hear another word from either of you I'm putting you both in It's A Small World for the WHOLE. DAY. You hear?

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You're still arguing for this 2 year old music video, lol! Both of your videos totally suck! The official music video of Dayvan Cowboy is what every BoC fans were expecting! This is the shit!

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Not bad. I felt like some of the clips were a little uninspired, others were used quite tactfully. What did you use to make this? I'm thinking about doing some experimenting with those mirror effects

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Guest AOOproductions

Did you reverse the footage alot because you didn't have enough footage, or did you just do it for effect. Cause it got kinda annoying agter a awhile. I liked most of it though.

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