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Dillinger Escape Plan - Ireworks


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I just picked this up, still in the process of hearing the last track. I think they've just established themselves as my favorite current metal band. The guitarist, Benjamin Weinman, contributed a lot to the sound design/programming of this one, and some of the glitchy drum edits in particular made me grin like a maniac. There's a track near the start of the album where he goes full out with the metal+drill'n'bass hybrid, and it's incredibly well done in my opinion. Fucking crazy and all over the place, but these guys certainly don't do anything half assed. Musically it's by far the most accessible thing they've done, but the musicianship as always is well beyond the norm, and at times mind boggling. The vocalist in particular has really pushed himself melodically. I think they've pretty much proved everything they needed to with the super extreme super complex math metal, and this is quite the refreshing new spin on things. They sort of hinted at this with Miss Machine, but on this one they took the melodic+electronic elements much further.


The last song just finished.


I'm really excited about this album. It's rare that I hear so many contrasting elements of different genres of music I'm into blended so seamlessly. Respect to the DEP. They had the Flashbulb opening for them at a few shows back in the day as I recall. Wasn't there, but I thought that was so cool that an extreme metal band would use a fellow IDMmer as an opening act. I wonder how well that was received. It must have taken some bravery on Flashbulb's part.


This album deserves much love.


PS to all the inevitable thread slaggers in advance: you're a jerk and my dad could beat up your dad. Eat my wang chung. :ok:

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i dunno i am almost turned off by them and i don't know why. i liked calculating infinity. but ive got a lame hipster emo friend who pumps their shit. but i will get this as i tend to like zephyr novas taste and a lame hipster emo friend is no reason to dislike a great band.

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