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Nature is idm

Guest Rambo

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That is one kool mother fucker, and he has a fossilized leaf for a tail! Awesome.


Oh! That reminds me. The last issue of the the science magazine I subscribe to showed a snail that whose body looks exactly like a leaf... actually, I think it WAS a leaf. Fuckit, let me look it up when I get home.

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  • 2 months later...
Guest umop_apisdn

Actually, both of those geckos are leaftail geckos. The top one with the mouth open = Uroplatus fimbriatus. The bottom one where you can actually see the tail = Uroplatus phantasticus.

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  • 3 months later...

we as humans always look at nature and are blown away by it but i have always wondered... wtf does the rest of nature think of us? surely we are one of the most complex beings in the natural world.


other animals must look at us and think stuff like....maybe a horse in a field may say to it's fieldmate.'wtf is that thing man? check it out, look at it's dick.. ha ha ha, it's tiny, it's crazy looking fucker anit it man. no wonder it is hiding in my field at the side of the road to take a leak. wait, wtf, wtf is that it's climbing into? the thing with the black smoke flying out the back...cough, cough, fuck man, these humans are mad but fuck me are they trying their hardest to get me killed.


serious though.


wtf are we?

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we as humans always look at nature and are blown away by it but i have always wondered... wtf does the rest of nature think of us? surely we are one of the most complex beings in the natural world.


other animals must look at us and think stuff like....maybe a horse in a field may say to it's fieldmate.'wtf is that thing man? check it out, look at it's dick.. ha ha ha, it's tiny, it's crazy looking fucker anit it man. no wonder it is hiding in my field at the side of the road to take a leak. wait, wtf, wtf is that it's climbing into? the thing with the black smoke flying out the back...cough, cough, fuck man, these humans are mad but fuck me are they trying their hardest to get me killed.


serious though.


wtf are we?


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