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I can't remember anything about last night, I was incredibly drunk, and I don't really want to read the thread because I probably did embarrass myself. Look, I don't take anything on this board seriously, that's why I post and act the way I do. It's also why none of the criticism you or anyone else here levels at me really bothers me. I have a real life which I enjoy much as I'm sure you do. I just don't see the point in "calling me out" for anything, unless I've personally rubbed you up the wrong way somehow.


And if you read back, I'll always defend people who get mocked in this thread, I just don't think it's fair cause a lot of these guys probably are quite insecure and posting a pic can be a big deal. That was nothing personal, and I wasn't really rude to you about it.


*sprinkles fairy dust on thread* Can it all go back to normal now?

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seriously all you little babies need to relax. you post a picture of yourself to the world and not expect to get teased a bit?


how's this? "wow enter a new display name, you look like a real nice and interesting guy. i really like your shirt and your hair. your blank emotionless stare is really cool/sexy."


is that what everybody wants to hear? i just want to make sure that we're really doing here is posting pictures of ourselves to get validation from a group of anonymous strangers.

Your comment didn't bother me at all, in fact. I know I am a dork, anyway! :laughing:

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