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The Official Secret Santa Thread 2008


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I sent my package and it was received but I haven't gotten my le present.


you should have received yours weeks ago, i sent it a week before christmas.



I'll check with my post office tomorrow morning.

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I just called my post office, they have nada for I. Nor was there any notification throughout the holidays. Who knows..maybe this package is going through what Fedex did to Great Maker ShaiHulud.


I wouldn't label Beneboi as a bad santa though. He did his duty.

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Guest Benedict Cumberbatch
I wouldn't label Beneboi as a bad santa though. He did his duty.


i would require a scan of his postage receipt.


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i got nothing for two years in a row, i kinda assumed some people look at who theyve actually ended up with an all the fun goes out the game so they forget about it and fuck it off.

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Guest Benedict Cumberbatch

yeah what kind of lurker doesnt even post that they received even a shitty gift.


i'm definitely out next year. gonna put the energy into buying someone i actually know a decent gift.


/last post/index.html

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I'll be doing the Secret Santa thing this year. The only thing that will stop me is if I know for certain that I'll be stuck in the mud with funds but I'll announce that before the event takes place.

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I'll be doing the Secret Santa thing this year. The only thing that will stop me is if I know for certain that I'll be stuck in the mud with funds but I'll announce that before the event takes place.


would you pm me your address? perhaps i was given an incorrect one?

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First of all, international mail does have a tendency to suck about 10% of the time but it usually arrives eventually. I had a friend send me a record from Germany on like Nov. 1 and I didn't get it until January but it did eventually come. (Germany usually takes less than 2 weeks.)


Second of all, I get really pissed when people blame their non-gift sending on low funds. If you can afford enough money to buy a present, than make one or go to a used store or find something around the house and ship it. If you can't afford shipping, than what the hell are you wasting your time on an internet message board for!? Go out and get a job because you must be starving to death if you can't afford ten dollars.


Finally, I get pissed when people say "I don't feel bad because I didn't get anything either". What the hell?!?! Don't you people understand the spirit of giving?




That said, Squee is one of the nicest guys on Watmm. So I just want to put it out there that I harbor no ill feelings towards him.



Oh yea, and the next Secret Santa should be started in like September lol.

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Guest Benedict Cumberbatch
Finally, I get pissed when people say "I don't feel bad because I didn't get anything either". What the hell?!?! Don't you people understand the spirit of giving?


amen. that is the stupidest reasoning i've ever heard. "someone disappointed me so i'm going to disappoint someone else"




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Guest analogue wings
Finally, I get pissed when people say "I don't feel bad because I didn't get anything either". What the hell?!?! Don't you people understand the spirit of giving?


amen. that is the stupidest reasoning i've ever heard. "someone disappointed me so i'm going to disappoint someone else"


IOW, "I'm a useless bum and I've spent half my life rationalising my bum-ness"

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First of all, international mail does have a tendency to suck about 10% of the time but it usually arrives eventually. I had a friend send me a record from Germany on like Nov. 1 and I didn't get it until January but it did eventually come. (Germany usually takes less than 2 weeks.)


Second of all, I get really pissed when people blame their non-gift sending on low funds. If you can afford enough money to buy a present, than make one or go to a used store or find something around the house and ship it. If you can't afford shipping, than what the hell are you wasting your time on an internet message board for!? Go out and get a job because you must be starving to death if you can't afford ten dollars.


Finally, I get pissed when people say "I don't feel bad because I didn't get anything either". What the hell?!?! Don't you people understand the spirit of giving?


Oh yea, and the next Secret Santa should be started in like September lol.









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