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lost season 5


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watching this is what i'd imagine waiting for your demented grandparent/parent to die is like


well, i briefly worked in a mental hospital for the elderly, and the look on the faces of the few who visited resembled mine when watching lost


i liked the demented elderly more than lost though, i mean, i liked them... they'd say stuff you didn't expect to hear, and their flashbacks were better n shit

(in a spoiler tag because it's drunken nonsense)

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Guest awkwardsilence
my confusion now is where we last saw faraday and i'm drawing a blank. he was with the group on the island going to the well during the flashes and charlotte died. then where did he go?

We last saw him as they first got into the back-in-time Dharma camp, going crazy about what Charlotte said to him before she died. How she as a little girl on the island was scared by this crazy man telling her if she ever came back to the island, she would die. And that she'd realized that crazy man was him. -- And then he sees her, the little red haired girl running around in the camp, and starts stuttering "Charlotte" again and again.


i didn't even know farraday had left the island in the first place. did they mention or show that at all? maybe he found the wheel and traveled off the island and then came back? no fucking clue, honestly. did he end up taking the sub when horus originally tried to ship them off? i don't like how they skip over characters for months at a time.

yeah sawyer mentioned something about farady being away but i don't remember what exactly.

As Jack got back to Dharma-time, he asked Sawyer all these questions about what's going on. Sawyer mentions Faraday in passing, and Jack's all "he's here too?". Sawyer replies "No. Not anymore." Seeing as the above scene was what we last saw of him, I was thinking it implied Faraday had gone completely crazy, completely gone in the head.


But yeah, it's been three years. He could have gone on the sub, or snuck onto the sub, or anything really. Seeing as he's coming from Ann Arbour, it's obvious he must've been talking to the DeGroots, the original Dharma founders/scientists.


and the interesting thing about the shadow of the statue thing is that it seems now that there's a third party involved in this thing, ben, widmore and some new ones, which is kind of stupid because they really haven't made clear the whole ben/widmore war or whatever and now they're adding some more unclear stuff, but that's how lost works i guess, and that's good it did get me a bit interested.

I'm thinking, if it is a third group, it could have something to do with Ms. Eloise Hawking.. We don't really know how she's figuring into this thing yet.

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the weird thing is that the chick who had sayid on the plane is obviously a part of this mysterious group

Of course Ilana is, she seems to know Bram on the island.



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Guest catsonearth
the weird thing is that the chick who had sayid on the plane is obviously a part of this mysterious group

Of course Ilana is, she seems to know Bram on the island.




ahhh, i hadn't noticed that the other dude from the van was on the plane as well. good eye!


the question still remains...why don't they recognize ben? i just don't see how it's possible to know about widmore and know about the island, but not know about ben linus.

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Guest Benedict Cumberbatch


maybe they are descendants of a split factions of the others. those who didnt want to go live in the dharma village after the purge.


the woman in that photo is an awful actor.

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I am loving this season.....


and I think a lot of others are as well....


6 seasons could become 9, so stop watching it on tv! Download it...


The whole "what lies in the shadow of the statue?" group is quite intriguing....


I think they could be off island mercenaries for the hostiles or for the Hanzo Foundation, they seem to be there to help set shit straight, but Ben did kill their 'leader' with a shotgun so???


They don't work for Widmore, so they either work for the Hanzo Foundation or Jacob's group, which could be the same organization but I have a feeling the Dharma people are the bad guys, which is why they get waxed eventually....


the new islanders didn't call themselves the good guys like Richard and Ben's group would, the guy said they were the ones who are going to win, which sets them apart in my mind....


the other other other others....


and Daniel coming back doesn't quite coincide with the beginning of the season, he was at the Swan station being built, saw the dead guy 'Alvarez' from the last ep but was coming back to the island after they were dealing with Alvarez's body???


Doesn't make sense, but I hope next week clears it up since it is a Daniel ep...



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Guest Benedict Cumberbatch
6 seasons could become 9, so stop watching it on tv! Download it...


WHAT? they better not! is this you wanting it or you heard it?


although i'll be sad when its not on anymore. which issad in itself


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well I want it to end next season, so this is what I meant...


I love the show too but I want to be relieved of not needing to know what happens next...


Tis sad yes, but still a burden since I live for good story-telling/writing, film, art, music, and such...

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God I wish Hurley would be fucking killed off


Also, I love the way this show has a knack for introducing these wicked characters with such mystique, proper interesting characters. Then completely destroying everything they built up by introducing a 'soft side' to them.


Like Ethan, Matthew Abadon, Chang


Fucks sake

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Guest David R James

I think i thought because lost was getting better every season that this season would be epic. Unfortunately this is an epic season but with a huge fail, my god it really is.

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Guest David R James
Your opinion is a fail!


Thats excellent as i feel u too are a fail if u think otherwise, but u cant get away from the fact that this season is bullshit and everything that is happening feels as though u have already assumed it and it is just being confirmed. Thats not what got me into lost in the beginning.

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We can all agree that many people have lost interest in lost.


*Waits for a fanboy to quote it and reply "get lost"*

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Guest David R James
We can all agree that many people have lost interest in lost.


*Waits for a fanboy to quote it and reply "get lost"*


There is no way i have lost interest myself, but the slowness of this season is an all time slow for lost. Its been like 4 or 5 dull episodes and b4 that there was only like 2 good episodes. Plus being that this a short season which it easily couldnt of been, it could of been alot better.

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I just disagree and think that this season has been yet another addition to the multitudes of good plot lines within the show. Ben's character is one of the most interesting characters in TV history. Part of the show being stuck in 1977, the year I was born, makes me love it even more. People that are fans and not enjoying this season will look back after the dvd release and realise that this season does actually own! I love the time travel dilemmas and how many questions it raises and the Dharma Initiative being explained through the characters actually being within the group. And also the way and traditions of the others being explained, on island and off. Brilliant writing imo.

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Guest beatfanatic
We can all agree that many people have lost interest in lost.


*Waits for a fanboy to quote it and reply "get lost"*


get lost

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Guest catsonearth
I just disagree and think that this season has been yet another addition to the multitudes of good plot lines within the show. Ben's character is one of the most interesting characters in TV history. Part of the show being stuck in 1977, the year I was born, makes me love it even more. People that are fans and not enjoying this season will look back after the dvd release and realise that this season does actually own! I love the time travel dilemmas and how many questions it raises and the Dharma Initiative being explained through the characters actually being within the group. And also the way and traditions of the others being explained, on island and off. Brilliant writing imo.


sorry, don't agree. yea, the concepts are interesting and it really should be cool, but the delivery has just been off for the most part. they take what should be really interesting, really deep and nuanced, complex stuff and just play it in such a heavy handed, remedial fashion that it kills all the potential that the concepts had. or they completely take all of the drama/tension out of scenes that should really resonate because they've overdone it in other ways. like i was saying a few posts back about characters "dying" on the show - you can only kill people off so many times before it starts not to have a strong effect anymore, so when an important character gets shot instead of going "holy shit! omg, that was crazy!", you just go "meh, he'll probably be back in an episode or two". or when they were time skipping at the beginning of the season - they reused the same set up multiple times where the characters were in extreme danger, being shot at, being chased, beat up, whatever and then at the very last minute there's a flash and they time travel to safety. you can't just do that same thing 3 or 4 times because it takes all the danger and tension out of the situations and then you start not to really care what happens to these characters because you know no matter what situation they get themselves into, they'll always walk away unscathed.

or take the flashbacks as another example - they've become useless as anything other than something to fill the time. they are just direct parallels to what's happening to the character at that moment. sayid's flashback that's all about how he's a natural born killer and they show that by having him kill some animal while he's a kid and not even flinching...it's just like...really obvious because you've already gotten that point by watching the normal timeline scenes. and then, if that weren't a direct enough parallel, they go the extra mile by literally having someone say "sayid, you're a natural born killer" or some shit. where's the subtlety? why can't they just show the shit and let us figure out what it means? if you're just going to state very plainly "this is what this means" then all you're leaving for me to do as a viewer is sit back and watch a series of events play out and if i wanted to do that i'd just pull a chair out on the sidewalk and watch people walk down the street.


so while i like some of the concepts and some of the things that are happening, i hate the way they're showing it. they're cheapening the story to the point that it only really works conceptually now, but utterly fails in practice 75% of the time.

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I just disagree and think that this season has been yet another addition to the multitudes of good plot lines within the show. Ben's character is one of the most interesting characters in TV history. Part of the show being stuck in 1977, the year I was born, makes me love it even more. People that are fans and not enjoying this season will look back after the dvd release and realise that this season does actually own! I love the time travel dilemmas and how many questions it raises and the Dharma Initiative being explained through the characters actually being within the group. And also the way and traditions of the others being explained, on island and off. Brilliant writing imo.


sorry, don't agree. yea, the concepts are interesting and it really should be cool, but the delivery has just been off for the most part. they take what should be really interesting, really deep and nuanced, complex stuff and just play it in such a heavy handed, remedial fashion that it kills all the potential that the concepts had. or they completely take all of the drama/tension out of scenes that should really resonate because they've overdone it in other ways. like i was saying a few posts back about characters "dying" on the show - you can only kill people off so many times before it starts not to have a strong effect anymore, so when an important character gets shot instead of going "holy shit! omg, that was crazy!", you just go "meh, he'll probably be back in an episode or two". or when they were time skipping at the beginning of the season - they reused the same set up multiple times where the characters were in extreme danger, being shot at, being chased, beat up, whatever and then at the very last minute there's a flash and they time travel to safety. you can't just do that same thing 3 or 4 times because it takes all the danger and tension out of the situations and then you start not to really care what happens to these characters because you know no matter what situation they get themselves into, they'll always walk away unscathed.

or take the flashbacks as another example - they've become useless as anything other than something to fill the time. they are just direct parallels to what's happening to the character at that moment. sayid's flashback that's all about how he's a natural born killer and they show that by having him kill some animal while he's a kid and not even flinching...it's just like...really obvious because you've already gotten that point by watching the normal timeline scenes. and then, if that weren't a direct enough parallel, they go the extra mile by literally having someone say "sayid, you're a natural born killer" or some shit. where's the subtlety? why can't they just show the shit and let us figure out what it means? if you're just going to state very plainly "this is what this means" then all you're leaving for me to do as a viewer is sit back and watch a series of events play out and if i wanted to do that i'd just pull a chair out on the sidewalk and watch people walk down the street.


so while i like some of the concepts and some of the things that are happening, i hate the way they're showing it. they're cheapening the story to the point that it only really works conceptually now, but utterly fails in practice 75% of the time.



man I can't believe I actually agree with you. well said.

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so while i like some of the concepts and some of the things that are happening, i hate the way they're showing it. they're cheapening the story to the point that it only really works conceptually now, but utterly fails in practice 75% of the time.


Don't apologize. I understand what you dislike about the show. But......


It doesn't feel that heavy-handed to me because it is 'Lost'. The show has been this way since the beginning. What was in your face at the beginning of the series made absolutely no sense so that is why it felt nuanced. Now the hidden plot lies elsewhere and all of the things that were mysterious are being explained, somewhat. The subtlety is disappearing with the climax of the series. The questions still left on the show are interesting to me and I want to ride it out to the end. Not because I have invested too much time into the show but because I enjoy it. It is written for a huge audience and the intelligence level of most viewers are not up to comprehending even the smallest ideas on the show yet it is still going. Massive amounts of people love it simply because it is completely mysterious to them but aesthetically pleasing. I feel what you are disliking about the show but I am of the opinion that 'Lost' has always been a show about shoving ideas in your face and then stepping back to get reactions out of the viewers. Some of the gimmicks have been overdone but I enjoy them. They are like the transporter or trips to alien worlds within the first Star Trek series. Completely overdone yet appealing because of the idea behind them. The flashbacks help explain the shows characters. The time skipping helps to explain what the island is capable of and also the history of the island. The treatment of certain characters is designed to appeal to certain audience members (my least favourite part of the show but a necessary evil).


In my opinion, what is going on now in the series is the same feel and show as it has been since the beginning. If it were a different show it might be more subtle, all of the time but it isn't. I love subtle plot lines as well which create sub-plots and help the imagination to fill in the blanks. I just think that this is where the show needs to go, this is what 'Lost' is, and it cannot change this far along in the series. I don't enjoy every aspect of the show. I can feel when they are writing for people that haven't been in it since the start but that is what we get for getting into a show on ABC. Albeit the best show ever on ABC. But still it is ABC.

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imo it's not as good as before, part of it for the reasons coe says, that you get used to some of the "tricks". but mostly i feel that at some point the producers started caring too much about the possible viewers' reactions to the show. and that would explain the lack of bold decisions.

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