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I want to mix real bands.


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Lately I have wanted to remix acoustic music, like real drums, electric piano, trumpet jazz rock and roll guitar shit. Just have the raw tracks and make it sound fucking awesome and interesting. Do you guys know what I should do to get a hold of some awesome music to mix for people, or do remixes. Maybe some place that has remix contests for rock, jazz, or country music?

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Guest spraaaa

if you post this on your local craiglist or put up an ad in a music shop you will probably get lots of replies from bored aging rockers/jazzers. might not guarantee the awesome part though.

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I just don't want to do the actual recording, I don't have the gear. But man, if people would send me their tracks I would mix the hell out of them.

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you can remix rooftop access if you like! zole. that is, if post-rock fits into your "real drums, electric piano, trumpet jazz rock and roll guitar shit" idea.

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Oooh, okay! If you have a specific track you would like I would love to give it a try.

ok, here are a few, let me know if you want some multitracks and i'll upload them:





can't get you the multitrack for this one, but i thought it might sound good remixed:


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if you post this on your local craiglist or put up an ad in a music shop you will probably get lots of replies from bored aging rockers/jazzers. might not guarantee the awesome part though.



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