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Humidity and Diarrhea


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Man, I was at work and walking around lot, usually requires me to. We were having a quick but violent thunderstorm that began and ended in about a twenty minute period of time. Once it started to fade, humidity started to rape me and my coworkers in our poorly air-conditioned workspaces. Humidity seems to boil my fucking insides, because I had to drop whatever shit I was doing to go drop whatever shit had weakly and quickly slid into my anal cavern. I had ass vomit on four separate occasions, two of them while I was speaking to a guest or co-worker, and that was only in the space of an hour.


Before the humidity washed over me I was perfectly fine.


And this isn't the first incident of such a humidity/diarrhea connection....its driving me fucking crazy and Im going to start shooting cumulonimbus clouds if this trend continues.

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but surely you have experienced what I have under similar conditions? I mean, all I had to eat or drink all day was two glasses of water and a banana....that hardly is a recipe for the chunky butt cola pouring out into my boxers

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i never thought about the connection, makes sense though!


jesus christ though, coffee and beer is recipe for shit blizzards.

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does anyone moan when thety shit? i never realized i was a moaner intill i started shitting regularly in the privacy of my own home. good cathartic moans. yeahhh.


Next WATMM comp

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does anyone moan when thety shit? i never realized i was a moaner intill i started shitting regularly in the privacy of my own home. good cathartic moans. yeahhh.


Ever break out into a sweat, McGriff? One time I ate some particularly spicy Indian food, and the next day I was sitting there, sweating like a pig trying to bear the pain of the Ring O' Fire - but it wasn't just the pain, it was the sheer exhaustion of trying to poop (it was almost pure liquid, like squeezing a liquid soap bottle real hard), but nothing coming and the increasing pressure of having gallons of liquid feces ready to spew out.


I grunted loudly once in the restroom at work - kinda surprised me as it was fairly involuntary and echoed in the bathroom. Thankfully nobody was there to hear me try to stifle a laugh afterwards as well thinking about it while washing my hands.


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does anyone moan when thety shit? i never realized i was a moaner intill i started shitting regularly in the privacy of my own home. good cathartic moans. yeahhh.


Ever break out into a sweat, McGriff? One time I ate some particularly spicy Indian food, and the next day I was sitting there, sweating like a pig trying to bear the pain of the Ring O' Fire - but it wasn't just the pain, it was the sheer exhaustion of trying to poop (it was almost pure liquid, like squeezing a liquid soap bottle real hard), but nothing coming and the increasing pressure of having gallons of liquid feces ready to spew out.


I grunted loudly once in the restroom at work - kinda surprised me as it was fairly involuntary and echoed in the bathroom. Thankfully nobody was there to hear me try to stifle a laugh afterwards as well thinking about it while washing my hands.


Mmmm, tenesmus. Involuntary contractions of the rectal vault and anus in response to diarrhea. The "dry heave" of the asshole. You know, rectal gonorrhea is often suspected in tenesmus attacks--perhaps you ate the spicy Indian and skipped the food? :angry:


If it was the chick from Slumdog Millionaire, then sure, yeah!


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Actually SR4, if there's a thunderstorm coming in I'll get a bit of sinus pressure and slight headache. It's not uncommon at all for the weather to have physiological effects within your body.


It just kinda sucks that it's ass piss in your case.

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