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the flaming lips - borderline


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Think this whole thread should be deleted, no-one should have to witness the awfulness that lies in the link in that first post. Can't believe that at one point today there was 2 threads dedicated to this fucking shit.

I mean I've heard some bad music in my time but this shit just makes me want to vomit. Thats how bad it is. Real fucking shit. The video is like the icing on the cake when you see those fucking uncool twats walking onto the stage at the start you just wanna hit them with a sledgehammer and tell them how fucking outdated and uncool they are.

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Think this whole thread should be deleted, no-one should have to witness the awfulness that lies in the link in that first post. Can't believe that at one point today there was 2 threads dedicated to this fucking shit.

I mean I've heard some bad music in my time but this shit just makes me want to vomit. Thats how bad it is. Real fucking shit. The video is like the icing on the cake when you see those fucking uncool twats walking onto the stage at the start you just wanna hit them with a sledgehammer and tell them how fucking outdated and uncool they are.


So, you're an Arcade Fire fan, eh?


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Well, i would rather listen to Arcade Fire than that garbage.

Really man, i can't believe that a piece of music can inspire so much vitriol but i feel its my duty to make you people aware the damage you are doing to yourselves by listening to that bohemian bullshit. What the fuck is wrong with you peoples ears?

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Well, i would rather listen to Arcade Fire than that garbage.

Really man, i can't believe that a piece of music can inspire so much vitriol but i feel its my duty to make you people aware the damage you are doing to yourselves by listening to that bohemian bullshit. What the fuck is wrong with you peoples ears?


I thought it was an interesting take on the song. People can like and dislike songs and still talk about them, right?


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Yeah, everyone has different tastes but I cannot for the life of me understand how people can listen to that shit with a straight face. It's just so fucking naff. Gimmicky as fuck.

If i can convince just one person that releasing music like that is unacceptable then i will sit in this thread for the next half an hour.

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Yeah, everyone has different tastes but I cannot for the life of me understand how people can listen to that shit with a straight face. It's just so fucking naff. Gimmicky as fuck.

If i can convince just one person that releasing music like that is unacceptable then i will sit in this thread for the next half an hour.


That's just the thing about music though; what you might consider unacceptable, another person (and certainly the artists involved) think it is. I don't like VSnares' "music", but I don't fault the man for wanting to make a living and produce his "art" for others to "enjoy"... hang on -



*dry heaves, eyes water, regains composure*




...See, it's all about freedom of artistic expression and how the audience reacts to it.


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