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White House Czar Calls for End to 'War on Drugs'


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this is definitely good news, but i doubt that the changes won't be reversed after obama's term(s)

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this is definitely good news, but i doubt that the changes won't be reversed after obama's term(s)


I think the mentality switch is enough to get the ball rolling in the right direction... I can't see these decisions reversed... the majority of the public is behind this... its just tough for politicians to campaign on something like this cause there is a good amount of votes that don't understand and think legalizing pot will open the gates of hell...

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Guest my usernames always really suck
Democrat-appointed government official acting like a Libertarian


I'm not sure what's real anymore...

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Guest my usernames always really suck
Democrat-appointed government official acting like a Libertarian


I'm not sure what's real anymore...


obama = change(?)




I'll believe this when he fires Emanuel Rahm.

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BREAKING: Former Mexican president calls for legalizing marijuana

Story Highlights

Changes in drug policy must be done in conjunction with the U.S., Vicente Fox says

Former Mexico president compares drug battle to Prohibition in the 1920s

Call for a change prompted by surge in drug-related violence in Mexico


(CNN) -- Former Mexican President Vicente Fox has joined three other ex-leaders of Latin American nations calling for the decriminalization of marijuana.


Fox, who was Mexico's president from 2000 to 2006, said the current policy is clearly not working.


"I believe it's time to open the debate over legalizing drugs," he told CNN on Tuesday. "It must be done in conjunction with the United States, but it is time to open the debate."


He pointed to how the end of Prohibition in the United States in 1933 lessened organized crime violence.


"It can't be that the only way is for the state to use force," he said. Watch Fox say it's time to debate legalizing drugs »


Fox was mirroring a position adopted earlier this year by his predecessor as president of Mexico, Ernesto Zedillo, and the former heads of Colombia and Brazil. The three former chief executives are members of the Latin American Commission on Drugs and Democracy.


At a February meeting in Brazil, the commission called for the decriminalization of marijuana for personal use and a change in tactics in the war on drugs.


"The problem is that current policies are based on prejudices and fears and not on results," former Colombian President Cesar Gaviria said at a news conference in which the 17-member commission's recommendations were presented.


Former President Fernando Henrique Cardoso of Brazil said the group called for only the decriminalization of marijuana and not other illicit drugs because "you have to start somewhere."





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hopefully we will see some echoes of this debate in the uk and we can maybe get around to decriminalising it here too...god knows something needs to be done....at the moment (in the south of england anyway) most of the weed is poor quality, stamped all over "skunk" that has been sprayed with god knows what and is grown by vietnamese immigrants for profit and profit alone. people must be smoking all kinds of chemicals and dangerous shit that these cunts use to bulk out the weight and maximise profit. not good.

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BREAKING: Former Mexican president calls for legalizing marijuana

Story Highlights

Changes in drug policy must be done in conjunction with the U.S., Vicente Fox says

Former Mexico president compares drug battle to Prohibition in the 1920s

Call for a change prompted by surge in drug-related violence in Mexico


(CNN) -- Former Mexican President Vicente Fox has joined three other ex-leaders of Latin American nations calling for the decriminalization of marijuana.


Fox, who was Mexico's president from 2000 to 2006, said the current policy is clearly not working.


"I believe it's time to open the debate over legalizing drugs," he told CNN on Tuesday. "It must be done in conjunction with the United States, but it is time to open the debate."


He pointed to how the end of Prohibition in the United States in 1933 lessened organized crime violence.


"It can't be that the only way is for the state to use force," he said. Watch Fox say it's time to debate legalizing drugs »


Fox was mirroring a position adopted earlier this year by his predecessor as president of Mexico, Ernesto Zedillo, and the former heads of Colombia and Brazil. The three former chief executives are members of the Latin American Commission on Drugs and Democracy.


At a February meeting in Brazil, the commission called for the decriminalization of marijuana for personal use and a change in tactics in the war on drugs.


"The problem is that current policies are based on prejudices and fears and not on results," former Colombian President Cesar Gaviria said at a news conference in which the 17-member commission's recommendations were presented.


Former President Fernando Henrique Cardoso of Brazil said the group called for only the decriminalization of marijuana and not other illicit drugs because "you have to start somewhere."




But Fox is an idiot.


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Guest uelogy

yeh yeh, but a more open-mindset has been publicly displayed over the last 5 years or so in respect to the social/pushed perception that drug use - in particular weed, is a soul-sucking-life-killing-monster.


Its pretty logically sound that weed, is not the class of 'enemy' that the governments plays/played it up to be.


There has been recent studies on clinical DMT-experimentation, Psilocybin-experimentation - and those studies have also intelligently reported on not only the relative saftey of these compounds and also their short and long term positive effects... (undoubtably you will get people having bad trips... but even those are enlightening, so ive been told.)


Its pissed me off bad, the neglected 'problem child' of the prohibition days has been left to stay so heavily illegal in some parts of the world today - cant u get years for simple possession in some states of the US?.


Booze, a mind duller... i always saw booze and weed as polar opposites... no brainer the capitalists leaders prefer society indulge in a mental depressant - think work during the day, and don't think at all in the evening.


Dont get me wrong i love booze for its qualities - im just pissed off weed has to be demonized for this long - when its really the psyche-stimulant-equivalent-polar-opposite of booze, creativity, stonned ramblings, focus/fascination etc ultimately both lead to the same thing: midnight munchies.


Something has to change - as all the laws do is push the finance into the hands of criminals, push otherwise good people into the hands of criminals to score their weed etc, and turn otherwise good people INTO criminals. insanity.


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I don't partake, but good on you, pot heads! ...just don't stand in line in front of me at 7-11, I'm a very impatient person.

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I don't partake, but good on you, pot heads! ...just don't stand in line in front of me at 7-11, I'm a very impatient person.


smoke some weed bro ... relax :angry:


I am surprised we don't have more in this thread... wtf watmm does anyone else here do drugs?

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I don't partake, but good on you, pot heads! ...just don't stand in line in front of me at 7-11, I'm a very impatient person.


smoke some weed bro ... relax :angry:


I am surprised we don't have more in this thread... wtf watmm does anyone else here do drugs?

No, I need to get in, get my red bull and cigarettes and get the fuck out... and for fucks sake stop dumping your phillies tobacco all over the parking lot, I'm tired of stepping in it. Oh and one more thing... when you pull into 7-11 to buy yourself a blunt, please turn DOWN your stereo, roll up your windows, and turn your car off... wtf is up with you guys and rolling into the parking lot, rolling the windows down, and cranking the stereo up while you're in the store?

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I don't partake, but good on you, pot heads! ...just don't stand in line in front of me at 7-11, I'm a very impatient person.


smoke some weed bro ... relax :angry:


I am surprised we don't have more in this thread... wtf watmm does anyone else here do drugs?

No, I need to get in, get my red bull and cigarettes and get the fuck out... and for fucks sake stop dumping your phillies tobacco all over the parking lot, I'm tired of stepping in it. Oh and one more thing... when you pull into 7-11 to buy yourself a blunt, please turn DOWN your stereo, roll up your windows, and turn your car off... wtf is up with you guys and rolling into the parking lot, rolling the windows down, and cranking the stereo up while you're in the store?


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Guest my usernames always really suck
this is definitely good news, but i doubt that the changes won't be reversed after obama's term(s)

The president can issue mass pardons.


I just don't think he'll do it.

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Oh and one more thing... when you pull into 7-11 to buy yourself a blunt, please turn DOWN your stereo, roll up your windows, and turn your car off... wtf is up with you guys and rolling into the parking lot, rolling the windows down, and cranking the stereo up while you're in the store?


Ah gots ta hear mah beats!

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Guest melotronic

good news indeed, hope fucking gordon brown will take some ideas off this.


but it's not likely, cunt that he is

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Oh and one more thing... when you pull into 7-11 to buy yourself a blunt, please turn DOWN your stereo, roll up your windows, and turn your car off... wtf is up with you guys and rolling into the parking lot, rolling the windows down, and cranking the stereo up while you're in the store?


Ah gots ta hear mah beats!


::shakes fist and grumbles like a grumpy old man::


"damn kids"

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Camel (cigarettes) has had a brand name and even packaging for manufactured joints/spliffs ready for over a decade! as soon as it happens it will be corporatized and commercialized so fast your head will spin. growing your own will be difficult if not still illegal because nobody stands to make any money off of it.

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Camel (cigarettes) has had a brand name and even packaging for manufactured joints/spliffs ready for over a decade! as soon as it happens it will be corporatized and commercialized so fast your head will spin. growing your own will be difficult if not still illegal because nobody stands to make any money off of it.




yeah alright... just like brewing your own beer... give me a break... most people are lazy asses and I am sure they will buy it from these companies...


Plus how big of a deal will law enforcement have on growing your own pot? it will just be like a stupid fine or something... who cares... right now 50% of our prisons are filled with non-violent drug crimes... this will stop that.

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Camel (cigarettes) has had a brand name and even packaging for manufactured joints/spliffs ready for over a decade! as soon as it happens it will be corporatized and commercialized so fast your head will spin. growing your own will be difficult if not still illegal because nobody stands to make any money off of it.


i need proof of this ASAP this is ridiculous if true!

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