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adam lambert fucking lost american idol

Fred McGriff

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if your buddy or family member is up there, fine, I get it, but otherwise...


a show only intended to be watched be the friends and family members of the people on the show? sounds to me like some-ones cable-access stardom is working out like planned . . . i don't like American Idol, but i'm not about to get worked up about what other people watch on TV, it doesn't effect me in any way, even when my wife watches . . . if Fred likes it good for him . . .


Oh, and Fred instead of killing the neighbors dog try swapping it out with a ferret and see how long it takes them to notice.

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although, last night i only watched the results portion at the end since i was watching a beautiful basket ball game that some of you may know about... cavs vs. magic! d. howard broke a game clock when he slammed dunked, some dude threw up a last second 3 pointer from beyond center court, l. james scored 49 points, orlando still managed to win the game...


Fuck yeah. Go Magic! The Cavs blew their load too early in the game with all of that running around and were clearly fatigued in the last quarter. Then the Magic made their move, reigning threes on those mofos left and right. I still have my doubts that the Magic and keep up that kind of performance throughout the series, but it was a glorious game 1 nonetheless.

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yeah . . . i never watched the show but I have a friend who insisted that Fox would never let a homosexual win American Idol. He said that they'd find some way of padding the vote, which I'm not sure I believe, but didn't this Adam dude just kill it every time around? From what I hear, he was a landslide favorite, so I'm calling shens on this one.



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the american public would never let a gay win american idol. i can just see all the shit kickin trailer trash get fired up walking to the 7-11 to vote at the payphone for the first time just to spite adam

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Also this:


4. The Christian factor. Last week, I wrote about how Adam (who hasn't spoken about his religious beliefs on the show) might be hurt by the fact that he was going up against two devout Christian finalists, Kris and Danny Gokey. Most of Gokey's fans probably ended up voting for Kris over Adam, giving him the boost he needed to win. You could say—as many of you have in the comments—that religion is an irrelevant criterion for judging a singing competition. But the fact remains that Idol is one of TV's most family-friendly shows, and it draws a large number of Christian viewers. Five out of seven of the past Idol winners have been very vocal about their Christian faith. Kris Allen had the edge here.


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christians. what are you gonna do.


hey velazquez do you ever watch sportscenter in the morning at your resort? do you ever watch josh elliott on the show? he needs to shut the fuck up. i hate that mother fucker. off topic but i have to say it somewhere. fuck that fucking arrogant prick. GOD DAMMIT.

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Hey Fred, you killed the dog next door yet?

I thought that was zaphod :undecided:


I will make fun of people who watch American Idol, even though I stream the host chats of both "Live with Regis & Kelly" and "The View" :ok:

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Guest Benedict Cumberbatch

i watched this season. for 3 reasons.


1. my wife suddenly liked it.

2 adam lambert. the guy sang 'slow ride' for christs sake! not that well but whatever.

3. no life.


its criminal that the little smiley guy with the sideways mouth won. criminal.

BUT you know he'll record some horrible album as the winner alway does.

adam probably already has a deal and probably more freedom because he didnt win.


i think adam gets so much attention is because hes good in a sea of shit. people go over the top and compare him to jeff buckley, well thats just silly. hes a showman, an entertainer. the only other good person this season was megan :angry: rocking robin indeed!


i don't watch the results shows. thats too much.

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Yeah I was thinking this might be a -- er, shit. I was gonna say a Clay/Ruben-type incident, but that didn't end up too well for either of them ...

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adam is the best that has ever been on this show

So you've been watching American Idol since its very beginning, in 2002?

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christians. what are you gonna do.


hey velazquez do you ever watch sportscenter in the morning at your resort? do you ever watch josh elliott on the show? he needs to shut the fuck up. i hate that mother fucker. off topic but i have to say it somewhere. fuck that fucking arrogant prick. GOD DAMMIT.



yes, I had to google image search his name to refresh my memory, lol just do a goole image search... I think the results say everything.

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