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The Keltoi Thread


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I intend for this thread to serve as a central location for all discussion and debate pertaining to Keltoi. Think of it as a messageboard within a messageboard. There's so much varying information, rumors and innuendo circulating about, it's time we confine the discussion to one place so that we can separate fact from fiction.


I'll take the lead, but I would appreciate all the help you guys can give. The more we participate as a community, the richer this resource will be. Without further ado:


The Keltoi Thread




Keltoi Facts


  • Keltoi is composed of between between 55% and 78% water, depending on the number of babies he's kissed in the prior 48 hours.
  • Keltoi is right handed, but uses his left to perform most bathroom tasks.
  • 'Keltoi' is correctly pronounced \ˈdüsh\


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Guest Rambo

Keltoi's hands


  • Keltoi has immaculate fingernails
  • During Keltoi's early teens he suffered from severe indigestion and was noted for his boney hands
  • For those who believe in palm reading: Keltoi has an exceptionally strong life line and a curiously misshapen destiny line
  • During his lifetime, Keltoi has punched 2 women and 1 child (accidental)
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Guest abusivegeorge

Keltois feet


  • It is rumoured that keltoi has only 3 feet.
  • They are webbed and he has been sited gliding from cliftops towards the open ocean using them as guides.
  • His webbed feet allow him to walk accross water but only if it contains fish.
  • He has 6 toes on his right foot and 7 on his left, this is to maintain balance.
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Guest Rambo

Keltoi: separating fact from myth


Here i unravel popular myths about Keltoi.


  • Keltoi was never in Cuba, at any point during his formative years, contrary to the Smith-Jacobs report
  • Keltoi owns 1 harp, 3 guitars and an extensive selection of Druid-inspired percussive instruments.
  • He has no woodwind instruments, nor has he ever claimed to play this category of musical instrument
  • Keltoi did not lose consciousness during the 'Black Swan fire' and was not saved by school children. He made his own way out before the building was properly alight.
  • Contrary to urban legend, Keltoi was described as 'an exceptional, introverted, handsome student' by his high school Head teacher Miss Gweckenstoff.
  • Keltoi can discern shapes.



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Guest Benedict Cumberbatch

keltoi's ball facts

  • keltoi's 3 balls are all left testicles
  • 2 of keltoi's balls are completely hairless
  • the other has the hair coverage of 3 normal balls
  • keltoi's balls produce on average 1ml of semen per month
  • 1ml of keltoi's ball's semen contains on average 1 healthy sperm
  • keltoi's ball's semen's healthy sperm swim clockwise
  • keltoi's balls hang (from left to right respectively) 3 inches, 2 inches and 12 inches
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keltoi's ball facts

  • keltoi's 3 balls are all left testicles
  • 2 of keltoi's balls are completely hairless
  • the other has the hair coverage of 3 normal balls
  • keltoi's balls produce on average 1ml of semen per month
  • 1ml of keltoi's ball's semen contains on average 1 healthy sperm
  • keltoi's ball's semen's healthy sperm swim clockwise
  • keltoi's balls hang (from left to right respectively) 3 inches, 2 inches and 12 inches


you know it bitch!




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Guest Rambo



Keltoi is derived from the latin world Kwelthip, meaning fiery lord of unquantifiable rage. "Toi" is Druidspeak for marmalade hammock which is in turn derived from the ancient Druid ritual of the hammock sandwich.

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Guest idrn

contrary to rumour of a laser nubbin, keltoi actually has a fourth nubbin, or quartubbin, which is actually capable of secreting a highly concentrated laguerre-guassian zettawatt ray.


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but yea he's stubborn like his father


i won't say what he learnt from his mother :angry:



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Guest abusivegeorge
am i being raped watmm style?


No no no, that would be like getting raped by IRARI/beneboi/weed. This is getting raped Rambo style, this sort of rape goes down anywhere, even with the cops.

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